Deliciously Easy Meals to Make When Camping – A Guide!

Easy Meals to Make When Camping

Cooking a meal while camping may seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re not used to outdoor cooking. But the truth is, with a little bit of planning, you can whip up some delicious meals with ease. After all, camping is a time for relaxation and fun, and there’s no reason why mealtime should be stressful.

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As a father of three and an experienced camper, I understand the importance of preparation when it comes to camping meals. After a long day of outdoor activities, the last thing anyone wants is to spend a lot of time cooking. Not to mention, it’s hard to keep perishable ingredients for longer than a day or two. That’s why it pays to plan ahead. Here are some tips and suggestions for easy meals to make when camping.

1. Start With the Right Tools & Ingredients

The first step in creating meals while camping is stocking up on the right ingredients and equipment. When it comes to equipment, a typical camping kitchen will need at least a pot or pan for boiling water, as well as some plates, utensils, and a stove. If you plan to cook on a campfire, you may want to bring some extra firewood and a fire rake.

For ingredients, it’s best to pack items that don’t require refrigeration. Expiration dates on food can really throw a wrench in your camping menu planning, so sticking to shelf-stable and non-refrigerated items is the best way to go. Some good shelf-stable ingredients for easy camping meals include pre-pared grains, canned beans and veggies, nuts, dried fruits, and jerky.

Camp kitchen

2. Prep Meals Before You Leave

If you can, plan and prepare some of your meals ahead of time. Pre-cooking grains or marinating meat is a great way to reduce cooking time in the wilderness, without compromising flavor or nutritional content. Pre-made meals like chili, soup, or stew can also be frozen for a few days. Once you’ve arrived at the camping site, they’ll thaw out at a safe pace and be ready for dinner in no time.

3. Opt for Simple Recipes

When it comes to campfire cooking, try to keep it simple. Complex recipes requiring lots of ingredients, multiple pots, and a lot of time are best left at home. Opt instead for meals that require minimal effort and ingredients. Here are a few easy recipes to consider for your next camping trip:

Campfire cooking

  • Chili: All you need is ground meat, canned beans, tomatoes, and seasoning for a delicious and hearty meal.
  • Foil Packets: Combining protein and vegetables in a foil packet is a great way to enjoy nutrient-rich and delicious meals over the campfire. You can add herbs and spices to give it flavor.
  • Eggs & Veggies: Breakfast is arguably the easiest meal to prepare at camp. Scrambled eggs and chopped vegetables are always a good option.
  • DIY Burritos: Scramble together eggs and beans for a protein-packed breakfast burrito. If you have tortillas and cheese, these can be added as well.
  • Kabobs: Cut up assorted meats and vegetables into cubes and skewer them for an easy-to-cook meal that tastes great over the campfire.
  • Coconut Curry: Curries can be made with pre-made coconut milk and an assortment of meats and vegetables. Serve it with cooked rice or quinoa for a delicious and comforting meal.


These are just a few ideas to get you started. With some creative thinking and a bit of forethought, you can come up with lots of simple and delicious meals for your next camping adventure.

4. Don’t Forget the Snacks

Though cooking a full-course meal over the campfire may not be possible every night, snacks are always an option. Just like with meals, try to plan ahead and pack snacks that don’t need to be refrigerated. Some popular camping snacks include trail mix, granola bars, fruit, chips, crackers, and jerky.

5. Watch This Video For Ideas and Inspiration

Campfire cooking doesn’t have to be complicated. With a few simple ingredients and a few recipes to get you started, you can make easy, delicious meals that will make your camping trips memorable. So don’t be intimidated, grab your camping gear and get ready to explore the great outdoors. Bon appetit!