Amazingly Delicious: What Food Is Good For Camping?

What Food Is Good For Camping?

When you’re preparing for a camping trip, one of the most important things to consider is what kind of food you’ll be bringing with you. While it’s easy to just throw in some snacks, if you want to make the most of your camping experience, it’s important to have a well-rounded meal plan to ensure you stay energized and enjoy the wonders of nature. As a father of three kids and an experienced camper, I’ve experimented with a variety of camping foods to find what works best. Read on to discover what food is good for camping.

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Pre-made Camping Meals

To make things easier, you can purchase pre-made meals specifically made for camping. These meals usually come in lightweight packages that can easily be stored in your cooler or backpack and are ready to go. These meals include everything from oatmeal, instant mashed potatoes, freeze-dried soups to ready-to-eat and quick-cooking meals. Whatever you choose, pre-made camping meals are a great way to keep you fueled during your camping trip.


Snacks are a must when you’re camping! It’s a great way to energize yourself between meals and prevent yourself from becoming too hungry. Comfort food is also a great way to reconnect with memories of being at home. Perfect camping snacks include chips, candy, trail mix, crackers, granola bars, beef jerky, popcorn and jerky. These snacks are lightweight and nutritionally balanced, providing the right energy to keep you going.


It’s important to start off the day with a hearty breakfast to help give you the energy and enthusiasm to tackle whatever outdoor adventures the day may offer. When I’m camping, I usually like to make something simple and filling. That’s usually either oatmeal with nuts and raisins or pancakes with syrup. If I’m short on time, I’ll opt for pre-made camping breakfast meals, like instant oatmeal or cereal. To make your breakfast even more delicious and nutritious, pack some berries and fruit.

Lunch & Dinner

When it comes to lunch and dinner while camping, I like to think lightweight and shelf-stable. With a few basic ingredients, you can make a variety of delicious meals. My favorite camping meal is a classic campfire chili. I mix up black beans, diced tomatoes, peppers, onions, and seasoning into an aluminum packet. I season it on the campfire and let it simmer for a few minutes until it’s done. It’s tasty and light-weight enough to carry in my backpack.

Campfire Treats

I’m a big fan of campfire treats! They’re the perfect way to close out a night in the wilderness. When I’m making campfire treats, I usually go for something simple like smores. Or if I’m feeling experimental, I’ll try something like banana boats, which is a cut-up banana that’s filled with chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, and almond butter. The possibilities are endless as long as you are willing to get creative.


water bottle with lemon

It’s key to keep yourself hydrated while camping. I like to bring along a variety of drinks, like water, sports drinks, tea and coffee. For an extra kick of flavor, try creating a water bottle lemonade – just fill up your bottle with lemon slices and a few teaspoons of sugar, and then fill the rest with some cool water. If I’m planning on making a big meal, I’ll bring along a bottle of wine or beer.

Experience is the Best Teacher

The best way to make sure you have a successful camping trip is to experiment with different recipes and foods. The more experience you gain, the better you’ll become at choosing the right foods for your camping adventure. With the right meals, your camping trip can be a memorable one and you can enjoy the wonders of nature.

From pre-made camping meals to campfire treats, the possibilities are endless when it comes to what food is good for camping. All it takes is a bit of research and experimentation, and you’ll soon become an expert at providing delicious and nutritious meals on your camping trips. Bon appetit!