Amazingly Simple: How to Brush Your Teeth Camping

Keep Your Teeth Clean While Camping for Optimal Oral Health

Camping is one of the most enjoyable ways to connect with nature and spend leisure time with family and friends. Whether you go for certain days or weeks, knowing how to brush your teeth while camping is essential for maintaining your oral health. Doing so can be challenging if you lack the right tools and don’t have access to running water — that’s why it’s recommended to plan ahead when it comes to dental care.

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As a professional content writer and longtime camper with three kids, I know firsthand how important it is to keep up with oral hygiene when camping. Here’s a guide on how to brush your teeth camping and keep your oral hygiene in peak condition:

Examine Your Toothbrush Options Before You Go

Your first step is to figure out how to brush your teeth in the wild. To do this, consider the type of toothbrush you’ll use when camping.

Electric toothbrushes are more efficient at cleaning your teeth and gums but unfortunately, they have limited use when you’re out in the wilderness. It’s best to get a compact, battery operated toothbrush or one with a head that turns off when snapped into place.

Image of a Compact Battery Operated Toothbrush

Pack the Right Tools for Brushing and Flossing

To make your brushing efforts go a long way, you’ll need to bring along the right tools.

  • Depending on the area you go, you may not need to bring along full-sized toothpaste — a trial size could work just as well.
  • Flossing is just as important as brushing, as it helps remove trapped plaque and food particles between teeth. Consider brining an interdental cleaner or dental pick for flossing.
  • It’s helpful to bring along a separate box for your toothbrush and floss items. This prevents you from having to rummage through your camping supplies every time you need to brush your teeth.
  • Regularly rinsing off your toothbrush and floss picks will help prevent bacterial buildup.

Image of a Compact Toothpaste and Floss Picks

Maintain Proper Brushing Technique and Hygiene

When brushing your teeth, be sure to follow the standard brushing routine and clean all areas of the mouth thoroughly.

  1. First, wet your toothbrush and apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to it.
  2. Begin brushing your teeth with short, circular motions and gentle pressure. Make sure to brush every surface — front, back, and biting surfaces — for two minutes.
  3. Gently brush your tongue, as this will reduce bacteria levels and freshen your breath.
  4. Once you’re finished, rinse your toothbrush and store it in a designated container.

After brushing comes flossing. Gently move the floss up and down between adjacent teeth, using an up-and-down motion. Be sure to wrap the floss around the front and back of each tooth. Floss gently so that you don’t injure your gums.

Image of How to Floss

Consult a Dentist for Specific Advice

If you have any questions or concerns about brushing and flossing your teeth while camping, it’s best to consult your dentist for professional advice. They can provide you with the best tips and techniques for maintaining healthy teeth and gums while out in the wilderness.

In the meantime, you can also watch our video on ‘How to Brush Your Teeth While Camping’ to gain a better understanding of the process. This will help you stay on top of your oral health when camping:


Having clean, healthy teeth and gums is important when camping. Knowing how to brush your teeth while camping and having the right tools on hand makes all the difference. In addition to taking preventative steps such as flossing and rinsing your toothbrush regularly, be sure to check in with your dentist beforehand to get their professional advice on the matter.