Power word: essentialSentiment: positiveEssential Camping Essentials: How to Have the Best Trip Possible

Camping Essentials: Everything You Need To Survive in the Wild

Camping is a great way to escape the hustle of everyday life and explore the beauty of the great outdoors. Whether you’re a long experienced camper, or trying it out for the first time, it’s important to make sure you’re prepared. Even the most experienced of campers can forget something!
So, to make sure that your camping trip goes as smoothly as possible, we’ve compiled a list of the essential items you’ll need for an enjoyable camping experience in Australia.

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Camping can include a whole range of activities. From fishing and canoeing to rock climbing and cycling – no trip is complete without the appropriate gear. To make sure you’re prepared, here’s a checklist of essential items you should always pack for camping:

Tent and Shelter

  • A good-quality, weather-resistant tent – Check if the tent has taped seams and waterproofing.
  • Groundsheet – A waterproof tarp or canvas is advised to keep out moisture.
  • Sleeping pad or mattress – Find one that’s right for your size and comfort.
  • Industrial grade sleeping bag – A good-quality sleeping bag is essential for performing temperature regulation while camping.
  • Sleeping bag liner – A bag-liner is a great idea to add an extra layer of warmth and comfort.

Essential Equipment

  • First aid kit – A basic first aid kit should contain wound dressings, adhesive plasters, antiseptic wipes, a thermal rescue foil blanket, pain relief medication and tweezers.
  • Protection from the elements – Weatherproof jackets, hats, and lightweight thermal layers are all essential for safety and warmth.
  • Navigation tools- Bring a map, compass, and flashlight with spare batteries for night-time navigation.
  • A signal flare – Always a good idea just in case of emergency.
  • Sunscreen and/or insect repellent – Be mindful of the environment and check out some natural alternatives.

Cooking and Dining

  • Durable cookware – Either a one-pot system or large cookware set, depending on the number of people.
  • Matches or lighter – For lighting your campfire.
  • Cutlery and crockery – Bring enough for everyone in your group.
  • Biodegradable soap – Ideal for cleaning your dishes without affecting the environment.
  • Camp chairs and tables – Even if you plan to sit on logs, it’s still a good option to have chairs and tables for meals or card games.

Activities: What to Pack

  • Fishing rod and tackle – Check the regulations on where and which type of fish you can catch.
  • Swim wear – If there’s a possibility for swimming, make sure you’ve packed appropriate swimwear.
  • Snack foods – Pack the usual suspects as snacks, as well as drinks – such as sports drinks and mineral water.
  • Lightweight leisure clothes – Outfits made from materials such as cotton and linen are ideal for hot climates and are ideal for camping.
  • Sports Equipment – If you’re planning on playing any sports, it’s best to bring the appropriate equipment.

Electrical and Electronic Gadgets

  • Camp lights – Battery-powered, solar-powered and gas lamps.
  • Chargers – For phone, tablets, and other electronic gadgets.
  • Mobile devices and chargers – So you don’t miss any important phone calls or to make calls in case of emergency.
  • Power banks – Backup batteries just in case of emergency.


  • Make a packing list – to make sure you don’t forget anything.
  • Review the weather forecast – To plan your activities and attire accordingly.
  • Know the terrain – Make sure you do your research on the area you’re camping in.
  • Practice Leave No Trace (LNT) principles – Respect the environment and leave it clean for the next adventurers.

Camping in Australia is a great way to get outdoors and explore the countryside. All you need is the right camping gear and the right attitude. As long as you plan ahead and bring the essentials, you’ll have an enjoyable and safe camping trip.

We hope this article has been useful in helping you plan your camping trip. Happy trails!