Amazing: Drink This Much Water per Person per Day Camping

Figuring out how much water each person needs while camping is one of the most important steps when packing and prepping for a successful and safe camping trip. As a father of three kids and an experienced camper, I know how important it is to plan for enough water for each person in the party. No one wants to be stuck out in the middle of nowhere without enough water for everyone.

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When planning for a camping trip, one of the most important things to consider is the amount of water each person will need for the duration of the trip. Water is the most essential resource for any outdoor adventure and it’s important to bring enough for everyone in your party. One of the most common questions is “How much water should I bring?” The answer depends on several factors including how long you’re camping, the temperature, and the type of activities you’ll be taking part in.

In general, an adult should take at least 1 liter of water per day when camping. This should be increased to 2 liters in hot weather or when engaging in strenuous activity. Kids should get a bit more, depending on their weight and activity level. On average, one liter per 20 pounds is the standard.


It’s important to have enough drinking water for everyone in your camping party each day, but it’s also a good idea to bring extra. This will help ensure that every camper gets enough for any thirst-quenching, cooking, washing up, and hygiene needs. Keeping a reserve of water is also important in case of emergencies.

Ways to Use Water on a Camping Trip

Water is used in many ways while camping. Here are a few of the most common uses:

  • Drinking and cooking
  • Washing up dishes and hands
  • Putting out campfires
  • Cleaning fish or game
  • Cleaning up and disposing of garbage
  • Bathing or showering (if facilities are available)

Tips for Carrying and Storing Water While Camping


The easiest way to carry and store water while camping is to bring multiple portable containers. It’s important to have enough containers to hold the amount of water you’ll need for the entire trip. A convenient and cost-effective way to carry containers is to use 1-gallon jug and several 1-liter bottles.

When camping near lakes, rivers, streams, or other bodies of fresh water, you should be able to fill your water containers with clean drinking water. Be sure to check with local authorities for reports of water contamination or any water advisories in the area you’re visiting. You can also bring a portable water filter or water purification tablets.

Final Thoughts

Although there is no exact formula for figuring out how much water you and your camping party will need during a trip, the most important thing to keep in mind is to bring enough for everyone. An adult should aim for at least 1 liter of water a day and kids should get at least 1 liter per 20 pounds. It’s also a good idea to bring extra in case of emergencies or for unexpected activities. Don’t forget to bring enough containers, as well as a filtration system or water purification tablets if needed. With proper planning and preparation, you and your party can have an enjoyable and successful camping experience!
