Amazing Tips: What to Bring When Camping at Music Festivals

Camping at Music Festivals: What To Bring

For those of us who have been lucky enough to have been to music festivals, we know that the planning and preparation for the trip can be intense. There’s a lot to take into account, from making sure you have all necessary items and comforts for a good time, to the less-glamorous aspects of booking camping accommodation, travel logistics and supplies.

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As an experienced camper and father of three, I know that one of the most important elements of travel and camping is being prepared. For music festivals, it’s essential to know exactly what you should bring to get the most out of your experience.

First Things First: Packing Concepts

Before you start packing for your festival, consider the type of camping you’ll be doing. If you’ve booked a campsite, you’ll need some different things than if you’re planning to camp out in the open.

You should assess the weight and size of all the items you’re planning to take. Your experiences will be greatly influenced by the amount of stuff you take and having heavy items while walking around the festival might make it more uncomfortable.

With camping, it helps to have a strategy. Generally, it’s best to plan your packing by dividing items into different groups, such as tents and accessories, bedding, food and beverages, and general items.

people camping at a music festival

Tents and Accessories

Your tent will likely be the biggest item you bring, so it’s important to get a sturdy one that’s easy to put up and is waterproof. For music festivals, it may make more sense to get a pop-up tent, which can be set up in mere minutes.

You should also bring a tarp to place under your tent, to provide extra protection and padding. This will help you feel comfier and make sure you don’t wake up all muddy if there’s wet grass or dirt.

In terms of accessories, you should bring a spare tent peg or two in case you accidentally drop one or it breaks. Some string and extra rope can come in handy for tying down tents, hanging clothes up to dry, and putting up shower and tent privacy screens.

people putting up a tent


Getting some decent rest while camping is essential to fully enjoying the festival. Make sure you’ve got a comfortable air mattress and some blankets and/or sleeping bags. You should also bring an extra sheet or light blanket in the event of unexpected weather changes.

You may want to bring a pillow, but consider something with a bit of added structure, such as an inflatable version.

Food and Beverages

When packing your food and beverages for a music festival, it’s important to take into account any restrictions on bringing outside food and drinks into the event. As a general rule of thumb, you should avoid bringing any glass bottles, open cans or beverages with more than 5.5% alcoholic content.

Snacks like protein bars, crackers and nuts are good to bring along while you’re out and about and breakfasts like oatmeal, muesli, yoghurt, and some pre-cut fresh fruit are great for the first day. Drinks like coffee, tea, and juice, plus water bottles are also important items.

grilled sandwiches

General Items

Other important items you should bring depending on the festival are a folding or portable chair, sunglasses, sunhat, first-aid kit, wash cloth, and biodegradable toiletries. You may also want to bring a power bank and a few good books for entertainment.

If you feel like getting a little more organized, designated bins and buckets can help you carry your items from your car or other transportation to the campsite and back. This will save you a lot of trips – which you’ll need for all the dancing you’re sure to do!

items for camping

Have Fes tive Fun!

The bottom line when camping for a music festival is to make sure you have everything you need to make the most of your experience. Concerts and festivals are generally heaps of fun, but camping can make it even better – and having the right stuff can make all the difference.

Make sure you keep the above considerations in mind while packing for your festival, and you’ll be sure to have a great time. Have fun and be safe!