Amazingly Delicious Lunches When Camping – The Perfect Camping Treat!

Lunches When Camping: the Essential Guide

Camping is an outdoor activity that offers a great opportunity to unplug from the hustle and bustle of the everyday while forming strong family memories. For those who are planning to spend some time outdoors in nature this summer, having the right lunches when camping can make the difference between an enjoyable experience and an uncomfortable one. Here’s the essential guide to lunches that the whole family will love when going camping.

A good camping lunch should be easy to prepare and store, and nourishing enough to keep you going for the day’s activities. Campers often prefer nutrient-rich and convenient snacks such as trail mix, dried fruit and nuts, or jerky, that can be eaten while you’re on the move.


When it comes to meals, a great way to reduce the amount of manual labour required is cooking meal packets on an open fire. Meal packets are pre-prepared and merely require being reheated before digging in. This is a great option for those that are camping in a group and need to provide the fuel and energy for lots of activities.

For those that prefer a cold lunch, easy sandwiches are a good way to go. Peanut butter and banana are always a hit, as are tuna salad and pesto with vegan cheese slices for those looking for vegetarian options. Much like with meals, it’s a good idea to prepare the sandwiches beforehand and store them in a cooler or some kind of insulated lunch box.


It’s also possible to cook a hearty meal on an open fire if you’re looking for something a bit heartier. Grilled meat and vegetables, including squash and red peppers, are always a great option. This can be served with toast made over the fire, or some vegan potatoes cooked in a pan with a layer of tinfoil.

Something else to consider when planning your camping lunches is how to stay hydrated. Bringing plenty of water bottles is always a good idea, as is using a cooler to store all of alcoholic beverages as well as drinks that need to be kept cold. Bring some lemon or fruit infused water for an added taste, or even some alcoholic drinks such as beer or wine for the adults.


As someone who’s been camping with my family for many years, I know that it’s easy to get stuck in a rut and feel like you’re making the same camp meals week after week. With a bit of research and creativity, however, you can get some great meal and snack ideas that the whole family will enjoy. Check out the video below for some tips on how you can make awesome no-cook camping meals.

Planning out your lunches when camping is the key to an enjoyable experience for all involved. Whether you’re looking for hearty, pre-prepared meals, healthy sandwiches, or some tasty snacks to keep your energy levels up, there’s something here for everyone. Enjoy the time outdoors and be sure to think ahead and plan the perfect camping meals that the whole family can enjoy.

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