Amazingly Easy: How to Make a Camping Hot Water System

Making a Camping Hot Water System of Your Own

When you’re out for a camping trip, you might not want to go without hot water. That’s why making a camping hot water system of your own is important – you get hot water on demand and enjoy the great outdoors comfortably! But, how do you set up a camping hot water system? As an experienced camper and father of three, I’m here to help. Below, I’ll provide instructions and tips for setting up a camping hot water system of your own, using supplies you should already have in your RV or tent.

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Gather Supplies

The first step in the process of setting up a camping hot water system is to gather the necessary supplies. Some of the supplies you’ll need include a clean 5-gallon container, a pressurized water hose, a sailboat type solar shower bag, a camping hot water heater, and a bucket.

Set Up the Solar Bag

The next step in setting up a camping hot water system is to set up the solar bag. To do this, fill the solar bag with water, connect the water hose to the shower head, and hang the solar bag over a tree branch or other elevated area. This will allow the sun’s rays to properly heat the water in the bag.

Set Up the Container

Once you have secured the solar bag, it’s time to set up the container. Start by connecting the pressurized water hose to the container’s tap. Then, thread the other end of the hose through the bottom of the container, and attach it to the shower head. Make sure the container is in an area where it will get plenty of sunlight – this will help to heat the water even faster.

Fill the Container

The next step in setting up a camping hot water system is to fill the container. To do this, connect the bucket to the pressurized water hose, and fill the container with clean, cool water. Once the container is full, put the lid back on.

Connect the Heater

The last step in setting up a camping hot water system is to connect the heater. To do this, remove the lid from the container and attach the heater to the tap. Secure the lid back onto the container, and turn on the hot water tap. The water should heat up within a few minutes, depending on the size of the container.

Enjoying Your Camping Hot Water System

Now that your camping hot water system is set up, you can enjoy hot showers and other activities. Make sure to disconnect the heater before refilling the tank, and never leave the heater unattended. This will ensure that your camping hot water system stays in good condition for years to come.

Buy a Camping Hot Water System

If you don’t feel comfortable setting up a camping hot water system on your own, you can always buy one online. There are plenty of products out there for sale that are designed to make setting up a hot water system easy and stress-free. Shop around to find the best deal and get a hot water system that fits your needs.

Setting up your own camping hot water system is a great way to stay comfortable while camping. With the right supplies and a bit of know-how, you can easily set up a camping hot water system of your own in no time. Have fun and stay safe!