Amazingly Easy: How to Start a Fire Camping in Just Minutes!

Everything You Need to Know About How to Start a Fire When Camping

Camping is an activity that allows you to unplug from the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day life and relax in nature. However, if you’re going out camping, learning how to start a fire is essential. After all, your campsite won’t be complete without a roaring campfire to cook on, warm up near, or just enjoy with your family and friends. But where do you start?

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As an experienced camper and father of three, I understand how important it is to know how to start a fire when camping. Having a good fire can make or break your camping experience, so in this post, I’ll share everything I know about how to start a fire when camping. Keep reading to learn about the materials you need, how to build a fire correctly, and safety tips to remember when using your campfire.

Materials You Need to Start a Campfire

Having the right materials on hand is essential for starting a campfire. Gather the following items before you begin:

  • Firewood: small, dry kindling wood
  • Lighter or matches
  • Tinder: newspaper, paper towels, or other dry, flammable items
  • Long-handled fire starter

These are the basics you’ll need to start a campfire. You may also want to bring kindling of larger logs, if you’re going to be staying in one place for a while or need to sustain a large fire. If the weather is windy or wet, you may also need some fire accelerants, like dryer lint, to help get the fire going.

Building a Fire for Camping

Now that you have your materials, it’s time to build a fire. First, gather the kindling and create a small cone shape with the pieces, leaving a space in the middle. Have the pointed ends of the kindling face outward, like a tepee.

Then, gather small, dry tinder and place inside the middle of the cone. Gently pull apart the kindling pieces to create room to stuff the tinder. Once you’ve done this, you’re ready to light the fire.

Light the tinder with a long-handled fire starter or matches, using long strokes to get the flame going. Have an adult in charge of doing this, to ensure safety. Once the kindling catches on fire, keep stoking the fire and gradually add larger pieces of wood to the circle. Watch for sparks and make sure embers from the fire don’t fly and spread to other areas.

As the fire grows, it will become self-sustaining. Once it’s burning steadily, you can move on to other camping activities. Keep stoking the fire and adding kindling and logs as needed.

Campfire Safety Tips

No matter how experienced you are with camping, it’s always important to keep safety in mind when using a campfire. Here are some campfire safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Check fire bans and other local regulations before building a campfire.
  • Only light fires in an area that has been cleared of flammable material.
  • Never leave the fire unattended.
  • Keep a bucket of water, sand, or fire extinguisher nearby in case of an emergency.
  • Make sure all embers are completely extinguished and cold before you leave the campfire.

Following these safety tips will help ensure that you and the environment are protected while using your campfire.


Learning how to start a fire is an essential part of camping. Gather the right materials, build the fire in the correct manner, and remember to practice campfire safety to ensure a successful camping experience. If you’re still unsure of how to start a fire, watch this educational video which will demonstrate the process:

Now that you know how to start a fire when camping, you can have your campfire roaring in no time. Enjoy the warmth and light of your campfire and the memories you make while around it.