Amazingly Easy Ways To Cook Food While Camping

How to Cook Delicious, Healthy Meals While Camping

Camping can be a wonderful way to get back to nature – bonding with your family and friends, surrounded by the beauty of nature, or just getting away from it all and taking a break. For all the camping enthusiasts out there, great memories are about to be made, so let’s make sure you feast on the delicious, healthy meals while there! There are so many camping recipes you can make, and if you plan it all out properly, you’ll be able to cook some amazing meals and create unforgettable moments.

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Food Prepping

The key to a great campfire meal is prepping ahead of time. Make sure to bring a variety of ingredients to ensure your meals offer a wide selection of flavours. Here are some of the most important things to include in your prepping list:

  • Fruits and Vegetables – Opt for fresh, organic produce where possible. Carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, apples, and oranges are all favourites.
  • Meats – Chicken, steak, and fish are usually the best choices for camping meals since they tend to keep better in colder temperatures. Just make sure to properly store them before leaving for your trip!
  • Grains & Starches – Rice, couscous, quinoa, and bread are all great options for adding bulk and volume to your meals.
  • Herbs & Spices ­– Some of the most common and versatile spices include garlic, basil, oregano, and paprika. These are essential for giving your meals a delicious kick!

Cooking Style

Now that you have all the ingredients you need, it’s time to decide on your cooking style! There are a few different ways to cook food while camping, and each style has its own unique set of pros and cons. Here’s a brief overview of some of the most popular cooking styles.

  • Grilling: This method is great if you’re looking for that classic smoky flavor. But it’s important to keep in mind that grilling can be difficult to do in windy conditions.
  • The Dutch Oven: This is a great method if you don’t have space to set up a full-scale grill. Dutch ovens can be used to make anything from casseroles to lasagna – you just need to layer your ingredients in the bottom and place the lid on top.
  • Campfire Cooking: This method is great for campers looking for a low-maintenance way to cook their meals. All you need is a fire, a pan, and some ingredients, and you’re good to go!

Campfire Cooking Tips

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when cooking over a campfire:

  • Plan ahead – Make sure you’ve done all the food prepping before arriving at your campsite so that you don’t waste valuable time.
  • Protect your food – Use foil, parchment paper, or cast iron skillets to keep your food from burning.
  • Keep it low and slow – When cooking on a campfire, it’s usually best to keep your flame low and cook slowly for the best results.
  • Keep an eye on the fire – Make sure to always have a bucket of water nearby in case the fire gets too big or out of control.

And here are some recipes you can try out:

Smoky BBQ Chicken

Campfire BBQ ChickenThis recipe is full of flavour and can be easily made over a campfire. Begin by seasoning chicken with salt, pepper, and your favourite BBQ seasoning. Cover a grill grate with foil, and place the seasoned chicken on top. Place the grate above the fire, and cook until the chicken is throughly cooked. Once done, top off with extra BBQ sauce and serve.

Vegetarian Quesadillas

Vegetarian QuesadillasThis is a great meal for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike! Begin by cleaning your choice of vegetables (e.g. bell peppers, mushrooms, corn, tomatoes, onions). Grill them to add some smoky goodness and set aside. Take a tortilla wrap and spread it with some cream cheese. Add the grilled vegetables and top it off with your favourite cheese. Pull the corners of the tortilla to form a half-moon shape and place it on the grill until the cheese has melted. Serve with guacamole, salsa, and sour cream.

Pineapple Pork Skewers

Pineapple Pork SkewersThese skewers are a great way to enjoy the sweet and savoury taste of pork and pineapple. Begin by cleaning and cubing some pork shoulder then marinade it in your favourite Asian sauce. Once done, skewer the pork cubes with chunks of fresh pineapple. Grill them over the fire till the pork is cooked through and the pineapple is caramelized. Serve with a side of steamed rice and you’re good to go!

Camping can be an incredibly rewarding experience, and with the right recipes and techniques, you can make delicious, healthy meals while you’re there. Whether you’re a beginner or an old hand, the tips and recipes mentioned above should get you started on making some amazing camping meals.