Amazingly Fun Things to Do When Camping!

Making Memories: Things to Do When Camping

Camping is a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and get back to nature. Going camping with your family, or even just your friends, can be a great way to bond and create memories that will last a lifetime. But what should you do when camping? Here’s a few essential activities to enjoy when camping.

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Take a Scenic Hike

Chances are, if you’re camping in the wilderness, it’s going to be breathtakingly gorgeous. Take time to explore the area with a leisurely walk, either taking a path or going off-trail. You may stumble upon a hidden lake, an awesome view, or some interesting wildlife. Make sure to bring a camera to capture the moment, and don’t forget your bear spray!

Tell Stories Around the Campfire

One of the classic camping activities, telling stories around the campfire can help create a magical atmosphere. Whether you’re recounting stories from your childhood or inventing up some imaginative stories of your own, it can make for amazing memories for years to come. Don’t forget the traditional ghost stories – just make sure to keep the ones you tell appropriate for the young ones.

Go Fishing

Fishing is another classic camping activity. Aspiring anglers of all ages can enjoy luring in the variety of fish that swimming in the nearby streams, rivers, and lakes. Before you set out on your trip, make sure to check the local regulations regarding fishing licenses and daily catch limits. You can turn the fish into a delicious dinner if you like!

Star Gazing

When you’re out in the wilderness, the stars in the night sky seem brighter. Once it gets dark, head out and take in the breathtaking sight of a crystal clear night sky, with thousands of stars twinkling above. Learn about the constellations or make up your own versions! You may even be able to spot a shooting star if you’re lucky.

Learn How to Make a Sweet Campfire Treat

Camping with kids? A great way to bring in a bit of fun during the camping trip is to learn how to make s’mores. Kids will love the process of roasting the next over the campfire. If you haven’t heard of it before, s’more is a traditional campfire treat which is made with graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate pieces. Here’s a great video tutorial to learn how to make s’mores:

No matter what kind of camping activites you choose, the most important thing is that everyone is having a good time and creating memories that will last a lifetime. So why not get out there and go camping!

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