Amazingly Hygienic: The Best Camping Toilets for a Comforting Experience

Make Camping More Enjoyable With The Right Camping Toilet

Camping is a great way to get away from the routine of daily life and enjoy some quality time with your friends and family. With a camping trip often come long hikes in the woods or occasional visits to the lake for fishing or swimming, but it’s important to not forget the less glamorous, yet essential part of outdoor trips: a camping toilet.

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As a father of three kids who enjoys camping with them, I’ve learned a few things about camping toilets and the importance of having one available on trips. Without a proper toilet, your trip can quickly become a messy and regrettable one. That’s why I want to share my experience and knowledge about camping toilets today.

So what options are there and how do you choose the right one for you? Here are some of the different types of camping toilets, and the pros and cons of each.

Chemical Toilets

Chemical toilets, also known as portable toilets, are the most common type of camping toilet. These toilets typically include a plastic lined tank or basin with a sealable toilet lid, and chemical leak guard such as formaldehyde or chlorine, that make the waste water odourless and prevent it from seeping into the environment. The main advantage of a chemical toilet is that it is relatively inexpensive, and many of them come with a built-in deodorising system.

Composting Toilets

Composting toilets are gaining in popularity with campers due to their eco-friendly nature. Unlike chemical toilets, composting toilets don’t use harsh chemicals to break down waste. Instead, the waste is broken down by naturally occurring bacteria and converted into a fertilizer-like material. This type of toilet is also relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain.

Flush Toilets

Flush toilets are the most expensive and complex type of camping toilet. These toilets are powered by an external water source such as a lake or stream, and use water to flush away waste. This type of toilet is perfect for campers who plan on staying in one spot for a longer period of time. Plus, a flush toilet is similar to what you’d find in your home – a big plus for anyone averse to the idea of using a chemical or composting toilet.

How to Use a Camping Toilet

Now that you know the different types of camping toilets available, it’s time to learn how to use one. Regardless of the type of toilet, the basics are the same. Here’s a step by step guide on how to use a camping toilet:

  • Find a suitable area, away from your campsite and water sources. Make sure other campers and any animals are not in the area.
  • Cover the floor area where the toilet will go with something to absorb moisture and waste such as sawdust or straw.
  • Be sure to read the instructions that came with your toilet before setting it up. Make sure all necessary parts are included before proceeding.
  • Setup your toilet as per the instructions. Depending on the type of toilet, it may involve filling the tank with liquid, pouring in chemical powder, or connecting the water supply.
  • When using a flush or chemical toilet, cover the waste with sawdust or straw to reduce odour and keep insects away.
  • Spray the area with a deodorising agent like Febreze when you are finished.
  • When you’re all done, it’s time to dispose of the waste. Depending on the type of toilet you have, waste may need to be emptied, chemicals refilled, or the waste may need to be buried.
  • Finally, remember to always practice safe camping and be mindful of the environment and wildlife.

Knowing how to use a camping toilet correctly will not only improve the quality of your camping trips, but it will also prevent any damage to the environment. So, make sure that you follow the steps above when setting up and using your camping toilet. Now let’s talk about what to look for when choosing a camping toilet.

What to Look for When Choosing a Camping Toilet

When it comes to camping toilets, there are a few important factors to consider when making your choice. Here’s what you should look out for:

  • Capacity. Determine how much space you have to store your camping toilet and how much waste the tank can hold.
  • Weight. Make sure you choose a camping toilet that you can handle easily.
  • CONTENT MENT. Be sure to check the ingredients of any chemical powders or liquids used with the camping toilet. Certain chemicals can damage the environment, so make sure you pick one with eco-friendly ingredients.
  • Price. Camping toilets range in price depending on the size, type, and features. Consider your budget before making your decision.

When it comes to camping toilets, it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. Your camping experience will be much more enjoyable if you use a toilet that works for you. Plus, you’ll also be doing the environment a favour by using an eco-friendly toilet.

Now that you know the basics of camping toilets, it’s time to choose the one that’s right for you. To help you decide, here’s a look at some of the top-rated camping toilet models available.

With these top-rated options, you can now make an informed decision that will ensure a comfortable experience during your next camping trip without the hassle of dealing with an unsanitary and smelly environment. Now, let’s take a look at the different types of camping toilet to help you find the right one.


Camping toilets are a great addition to any outdoor activities and can greatly enhance the quality of your camping trips. However, the type of toilet you choose matters and it’s important to know what to look for when selecting one. Thankfully, there are many options available, so there’s something for everyone. From chemical toilets to flush toilets, whatever your budget and needs may be, you’ll find something that suits you and makes your camping trips even more enjoyable.

Do you have any tips for choosing the right camping toilet, or have any of your own personal stories? We would love to hear them in the comments below!