Amazingly Simple Ways to Block Wind When Camping – A Must-Read

How to Block Wind While Camping: Keep the Elements at Bay

Camping is an exciting and rewarding activity for the whole family, whether a first-time camper or a seasoned pro. Before setting out on a camping trip, it’s important to be well prepared for the elements. Wind, in particular, can make things uncomfortable, jeopardize the safety of your campsite and make things just plain difficult. Experienced camper and father of three, here with some key steps you can take to reduce the effects of wind and stay safe and comfortable when camping.

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Choose Your Not-So-Windy Spot Wisely

Choosing the right camping spot can make a huge difference in terms of your experience. As you are browsing campsites, take a good look around for obvious signs of the wind’s power such as bare trees, bushes, and other plants that have been used by the wind. Look for protected spots away from these areas. Try to find a spot that has some shelter from the elements, and choose to camp in a bowl of land or tree line to maximize the effects of the shelter. Additionally, you can check a wind forecast for the region you plan to camp at.

Pack the Right Gear

Gearing up with the right gear can make all the difference when it comes to reducing the effects of wind on your camping trip. Heavy-duty tents and canopies are great for blocking out the wind. Tarps and blankets can also help, and a tarp hung between trees or bushes can provide an effective windscreen. Quality camping mats will help to insulate your tent from the ground below.

a camping tent set up in a protected spot and covered with a tarp

You may also want to bring some items that can be used for extra wind protection such as sandbags, rocks, and tent pegs. These can be used to secure the tarp, which can add extra stability against the winds. Additionally, trekking poles can also be used to add extra stability as well as provide support for the tarp.

Finding Natural Protection from the Wind

Using natural elements to block out the wind can be effective and save time and resources. Look for trees, hills, or bushes in the camping vicinity that can provide a buffer from the wind. If possible, use the natural elements in your favor. Construct your camp in such a way that the wind is blocked before it hits your camp.

a camper using the bushes to block wind

Have a Backup Plan

No matter how well you may plan, sometimes the wind can still be too powerful, and you will need to be flexible and use your best judgement. If the wind is too strong, your tent may not be able to take it, or you might be too uncomfortable to stay outside. Consider having a backup plan such as renting a cabin or staying in a local hotel or motel if the wind is too much.

Stay Safe When the Wind is Blowing

If the conditions are not ideal, you may still choose to camp, but it’s important to know the safety and health risks associated with the wind as well. Linked here is a video from the National Weather Service showing how high winds can cause dangerous conditions and how to stay safe when the wind is blowing.

When camping in windy conditions, always take every safety precaution you can. Make sure your tent is properly secured and that your gear is securely tethered. Check the stability of your camp including the guy lines and stakes to ensure that nothing is going to blow away. If you need to, seek shelter in a car or a cave if the conditions are too intense.

a camper taking shelter in a car

When camping, setting up a secure camp and correctly blocking out the wind can make a world of difference. By following some of these tips, you can ensure that you stay safe and comfortable when camping in windy conditions and still have a great time.