Astonishing Tips to Avoid Midge Mayhem When Camping!

Camping is a great way to be outdoors and enjoy nature. Unfortunately, when camping there are some pests that you can encounter, one of which is midges. Midges are a tiny flying insect that can be difficult to avoid. They can be particularly pesky in certain areas where they thrive, such as forests and near lakes. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can avoid midges while camping so you can enjoy your trip without being bothered by them.

What Are Midges?

At first glance, midges may seem similar to mosquitoes, but they are actually different insects. Midges are smaller, usually under 3 millimeters in size, and they are black or gray in color. They do not bite, but they can be a nuisance when camping since they can fly around and land on you.

Tips for Avoiding Midges When Camping

When camping in an area where midges are present, there are several steps you can take to reduce the amount of midges you encounter.

Choose the Location Wisely

When choosing a campsite, avoid areas where midges congregate, such as wetlands and wooded areas. It is also important to avoid areas that are prone to standing water as midges breed in standing water. If possible, it’s a good idea to camp in an area with flowing water such as a river as midges cannot breed there.

Time Your Trip

Midges are typically active during the dusk and dawn periods, so timing your trip accordingly can help you avoid them. Try to plan your camping trips so that you arrive at your campsite in the mid-morning and leave in the mid-afternoon.

Choose the Right Clothing

Midges are attracted to bare skin, so try to cover as much of your skin as possible when camping. Wearing light-colored clothing can also help since midges are drawn to dark colors. Hats and bandanas are also helpful since they can keep midges away from your face.

Use Repellents

Using insect repellent sprays around your campsite can help keep midges away. Natural repellents such as citronella oil, basil, mint, and garlic can also be used in addition to store-bought chemical repellents.

It’s important to note that you should never spray repellent directly onto your skin, as it can cause skin irritation. Instead, spray it around the campsite and on your clothing.

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Set Up a Midge Trap

Midge traps are one of the more effective methods of getting rid of midges. These traps use a light source and a fan to attract the midges into a container where they get trapped and eventually die.

DIY Midges Trap

You can make your own midge trap by using a container, such as a jar or bucket, and some light source, such as a light bulb or electric lantern, and a fan. Place the container near your campsite and direct the fan towards it. Leave it on for a few hours and the midges will be attracted to the light and get sucked into the container.

Buying a Midge Trap

You can also buy mids traps, often in the form of lanterns or diffusers, that use a combination of light and a neuro-toxin to attract and kill the midges.

Keep Your Campsite Clean

Midges are attracted to water and moist conditions, so it is important to keep your campsite clean and dry. Wash your dishes as soon as you are done using them and avoid disposing of food scraps or waste near your camp, as this can attract midges.

Keep in mind that midges are attracted to stagnant water, so try to avoid having any in your camp. Place a tarp over any pools of water to prevent them from forming.

Smoke Prevention

Smoke can help keep midges away, so you can create a fire near your campsite to prevent midges from entering. Just make sure you obey all regulations and safety measures when you build the fire.


Camping is a great way to enjoy nature, but midges can be pesky and interfere with your trip. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can reduce the amount of midges you encounter while camping and have a great time in the outdoors.

Remember to choose your campsite wisely, time your trip appropriately, cover up your skin, use insect repellents, and set up a midge trap. Keep your campsite clean and smoke-free and you should be able to avoid the midges and enjoy your camping trip.