Astonishingly Easy: The Best Way to Cook When Camping

Best Way to Cook When Camping

When camping, one of the biggest delights is the opportunity to enjoy some delicious food outdoors. However, cooking can be an intimidating task. To make cooking easy and enjoyable when camping, there are some tips to remember. In this article, we’ll go over the best methods and tools to use for cooking while camping, so you can enjoy delicious meals without frustration.

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As a father of three kids and an experienced camper, I understand the importance of a delicious meal outdoors. We often plan camping trips around the possibility of cooking our own meals. Preparing food in the outdoors can take on many forms, depending on the tools, fire source, and ingredients you choose. Here are the essential elements that you need to create a tasty, enjoyable meal when camping.

Cooking Gear

At a minimum, you should pack a camping stove for your camping trips. This will allow you to heat up foods and cook a variety of dishes. Camping stoves are portable and lightweight, so they can be easily packed in your vehicle.

camping stove

If you’re looking for more of an authentic cooking experience, a campfire or fire pit are great options. Having a fire available makes it much easier to cook over a flame.

In either case, having all the necessary cooking gear is a must. Things like a pan, lid, knives, utensils, cutting board, can opener, and grilling utensils are important to have when camping. Remember to also bring along cookware cleaning supplies.


When packing for a camping trip, consider which ingredients are lightweight and easy to pack. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great choice, as they are packed with vitamins and minerals and are easy to transport.

For proteins, canned or frozen fish and meat are the best options. These options can be easily stored in a cooler or ice pack. Besides that, jerky, nuts, and nutritional bars are all excellent choices for a nutritious camping meal.

Finally, must-haves for a camping trip include coffee, tea, and sugar. You can also consider preparing a few recipes before your trip and packing them in containers for easy meals.

Cooking Techniques

Now that you have all your ingredients and cooking gear in order, it’s time to hit the campsite and get cooking! Depending on the food you’re making, there are a variety of cooking techniques you can use.

campfire cooking

If you’re planning to cook over a campfire or fire pit, the most popular way is to use a Dutch oven, which is a cast-iron pot with a lid. Dutch ovens allow you to cook a variety of things over an open fire, such as roasts, stews, stir-fries, cakes, and bread.

If you’re cooking on a camp stove, popular foods are pancakes, omelets, and scrambled eggs. You can also prepare stir-fries, sautéed vegetables, and boil-in-bag rices. Stews and soups are also perfect for a camp stove.

grilled vegetables

Foil packets are great for camping trips, as you can use them for a lot of different recipes. They’re great for grilling veggies and protein, as well as baking fish, potatoes, and other vegetables.

Finally, one of my favorite ways to cook when camping is grilling on a fire. I love how easy and quick it is, and you can make so many delicious meals like grilled kabobs, pizza, and tacos.


As you can see, there are many ways to cook tasty meals when camping. With the right ingredients, the right tools, and a bit of creativity, you can enjoy a delicious camping meal with your friends and family.

A camping trip is the perfect opportunity to try out new cooking methods and dishes. So, the next time you hit the campsite, get the fire going and start cooking up an amazing meal!