Astonishingly Easy Ways to Purify Water While Camping

Purifying Water When Camping – A Step by Step Guide for All Campers

Having access to clean, safe drinking water is one of the most basic necessities of life. While at home, we have access to a reliable water supply, when it comes to camping, we often find ourselves in locations and climates that are very different from home, with different water sources. For campers, this means that in order to stay healthy and safe, they must know how to purify water when camping.

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What’s the Best Way to Purify Water When Camping?

It’s important to know that there is no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to purifying water when camping. This is because the water conditions of a particular area can vary, and many of the factors that make water safe to drink can changes depending on the environment, such as the type of soil, elevation, temperature, and so on.

In general, the best way to purify water when camping is to first filter it using a water filter, then use a chemical disinfectant. This approach will remove most of the undesirable particles from the water and also make it safe to drink by destroying any bacteria or viruses present.

Step 1: Filter the Water with a Water Filter

A water filter is a device used to remove harmful particles from water. The types of particles that can be removed by a water filter, such as dirt and sand, are typically larger than those that can easily pass through a filter, such as bacteria and viruses.

There are a variety of water filters on the market that are specifically designed for camping. Most of these are relatively lightweight and easy to use. After filling the filter with water, it takes only a few minutes for the filter to do its job. For best results, it is recommended to filter the water several times in order to remove as much debris as possible.

Step 2: Use A Chemical Disinfectant to Make the Water Safe to Drink

Once the water is filtered, it’s time to use a chemical disinfectant to make it safe to drink. Chemical disinfectants are widely available and many of them are tailored specifically for campers. Chemical disinfectants work by killing most of the bacteria and viruses that could potentially be present in the water.

It’s important to carefully follow the instructions provided on the chemical disinfectant’s packaging. Most chemical disinfectants take approximately 30 minutes to perform their job, and in some cases, the water may need to be left standing for a longer period of time. Once complete, the water should be safe to drink.

It’s also important to note that chemical disinfectants are not always necessary. Many campers opt to filter their water for an extended period of time to make it safe for drinking. The key is to be aware of the water conditions in the area and make an educated decision.

Additional Tips on How to Purify Water When Camping

  • Always make sure to bring enough clean, safe drinking water with you when you go camping.
  • Remember to always bring a water filter with you when camping. Not all campgrounds have access to clean drinking water, so it’s best to be prepared.
  • If you do need to purify water when camping, try to find the cleanest water source available in the area.
  • When purifying water, make sure to use a water filter and chemical disinfectant, as this is the best way to ensure that the water is safe to drink.
  • Be aware of any water-borne diseases in the area that may require additional precautions.

Purifying water when camping is an essential part of staying safe and healthy. With the right steps, you can ensure that the water you drink is safe and clean. By using a water filter and chemical disinfectant, you can rest assured that your drinking water is free of contaminants and safe to drink.


As a father of three kids as well as an experienced camper, I understand the importance of purifying water when camping. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that the water you drink is clean and safe to consume.

Remember to bring a water filter with you, and depending on the area, consider using a chemical disinfectant. By taking the necessary steps, you can stay hydrated and free of water-borne illnesses while camping.