Astonishingly Simple Tips on How to Work Remotely While Camping

How to Work Remotely While Camping

As more and more people realize the benefits of remote work, the online world keeps developing and expanding to answer every conundrum they come across. Working remotely while camping is no exception. For a content writer, a father of three children, and an experienced camper, this topic is particularly close to my heart. From my own experiences, I’ve gathered the needs of those who would like to work remotely while camping and present the best ways to make their experience as smooth as possible.

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Location as an Advantage

When many people plan to camp, their first thought is to get as far away from civilization as possible. That is a great idea, but if you plan to work remotely, it is important to consider the condition of where you are setting up shop. Make sure that you are within range of great wifi and cell service in order to stay connected with your employer and your clients. This is essential if you are working remotely while camping.

Gather Necessary Equipment

You will need reliable devices for work computing, phone, and other connecting activities with your work. Ensure that you have enough battery life to last you through the day. If you can keep your devices within reach, keep them with you. If that isn’t possible, research and invest in a portable generator to assist with your power needs while camping. Of course, this will need to be stored away from your camp site. And for extra privacy, use an encrypted secure connection or VPN when working remotely. This will help protect the data you’re sharing and also make your work visible only to yourself.

Protect Your Belongings

If you’re bringing a laptop with you, try to find an ideal spot to situate it. Place it somewhere between two trees to create a sheltering environment. Alternatively, you can situate it inside of your tent or car, as it’s important to protect your belongings from theft. Don’t forget to keep the device far away from any fire, water, dust, and other elements which could harm it.

Work Around Nature

Most people who take camping trips wish to escape and enjoy nature. Working remotely doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate your surroundings. Whenever you take a break, take a moment to go for a leisurely walk, take a boat ride, or admire the stars. This will help give you energy and the motivation to complete your work more quickly and effectively. Also, take advantage of the location unique to working remotely when camping. It goes without saying, but try to stay as connected to nature as possible. You can learn a lot while you’re out there.


Working remotely while camping isn’t impossible, but it should be done in an organized manner. Make sure you plan your trip in a way that is beneficial to both your work and leisure time. Relax when possible and enjoy the wonders nature has to offer. If you take the proper steps to stay connected and secure, you’ll have the best of both worlds.

With all of the above-mentioned instructions and precautions, working remotely while camping can be a rewarding, stress-free experience. By getting out of the city and exploring the world around you, you can find satisfaction in the great outdoors as well as your work-life.