Awesome Tips: How to Get Rid of Meat Bees While Camping

Protect Your Campsite from Annoying Meat bees

As a veteran camper of many years, I know all too well how annoying and disruptive meat bees can be. These tiny insects swarm around the sugary sweet drinks and snacks stored around the campsite in search of food, and can even climb into closed containers, ruining food and drinks in the process! At best, meat bees can be annoying, and at worst, their stings can be painful and uncomfortable. So what’s the best way to rid your campsite of these bugs? Read on to learn my tried-and-true tips for getting rid of meat bees while camping!

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Create an Environment Unappealing to Meat bees

Meat bees are attracted to sweet and sugary drinks and snacks, so your first step should be keeping these snacks away from your campsite. Keep drinks and food covered, and store them inside sealed containers or cooler. It’s also best not to leave any open food sources out, such as crumbs or food wrappers, didn’t have this can attract those pesky bees like a moth to the flame. Finally, as meat bees are attracted to their own scent, don’t forget to wash any stored containers or buckets in scented soaps, which can help to mask the scent and send the bees flying away!

Apply Direct Repellants

If meat bees are a persistent problem, it may be worth investing in an insect repellent specifically formulated to keep away meat bees. Many options are available in all price ranges, and these can be applied directly to the area to repel the about the bees. There are also commercial sprays available, such as citronella and DEET, which can work wonders when sprayed around the area. Make sure to read the directions carefully.

Light Traps

If store bought sprays and repellents are not doing the trick, consider using light traps. These are relatively simple to create – you simply hang an electric light above the campsite (make sure to use precautions when dealing with electricity!) and this will attract the bees to it. This can make it easier to then capture and kill them. Light traps are typically used for larger swarms, as they pose the most threat to campers, and care should be taken when using them.

Hire a Professional

Although in most cases these tips can work, there can be cases where the infestation is too large or too persistent to manage on your own. In such cases, it is best to hire a professional who can come and are out the issue once and for all. Professionals understand the behaviour of the bees and use sophisticated tools and tactics to get rid of the bees quickly and safely.

Preventative Measures

The best way to protect your campsite from these annoying pests is to never let them in in the first place! Before setting up, ensure you read up on the behaviour of these bugs and try to make the environment as undesirable for them as you can. Clean up any food sources that they could be attracted to, and if possible, try to cover up any cracks or crevices in the camping area. Also, be careful of what the bees may be attracted to when setting up the tents and add-ons, and you should be good to go!

Call on Nature To Help

It’s not only repellents and traps that can make a difference – nature can provide us with some of the best solutions. Planting specific herbs and flowers around your campsite can act as natural deterrents, as can using natural animal sprays and even the oils from certain plants. Do your research and you may find that natural repellents work just as well as any store-bought option.


Meat bees can be a real nuisance when camping, but with a little research and the right knowledge, you can make sure they don’t ruin the fun. Invest in some commercial repellent, create an environment unfavorable to them and if all else fails, call an expert. Finally, remember to keep your campsite free of food and you’ll find the bees will stay away. To learn more, check out this video by exprienced camper, Jacob Stern:

We hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post and have learnt the best ways to protect your campsite from these pesky bugs. Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about the tips listed here, and be sure to check back to our blog soon for more helpful camping advice!