Going Green: Creating a Sustainable Camping Experience for your Students

Eco-camping is a type that focuses on minimizing the environmental impact of camping activities and promoting sustainable outdoor recreation. This can include using low-impact camping gear, following Leave No Trace principles and minimizing the use of resources such as water and firewood. Some eco-camping sites may also have additional environmental protections, such as restrictions on the use of pesticides or other chemicals.

What is Eco camping?

Eco camping is a sustainable way to experience nature. You will learn to enjoy nature and preserve it without leaving any trace. Camping may seem an outdated form of spending your vacation; however, people are interested in visiting nature after the pandemic. Unlike a luxurious hotel stay, camping will teach you to survive with minimum resources, prioritize your needs and, most importantly, preserve the environment without impacting it in any minute way. Before your first green camping trip, let us examine what you must know. 

Impacts of Eco Camping

Knowing why you should consider eco camping over typical camping methods is crucial. It will add a purpose to what you are doing by eco camping.

Eco camping’s primary purpose is to preserve the environment and survive there with sustainable methods without adding or changing anything there.


Besides that, friendly camping is budget-friendly. You can use your money wisely and learn to survive with nature.

Simple and minimal

In typical vacation trips, you have to carry heavy luggage, which is cumbersome. Eco-friendly camping does not need many resources. The whole point is to live with nature for a couple of days with minimalism and simplicity. You only have to carry what is necessary to survive in the wild.

Reduce your carbon footprint

Moreover, eco-friendly camping uses less energy, meaning your carbon footprint is less when you choose eco-friendly camping for your next vacation. In eco camping, you will emit fewer greenhouse gasses than taking a flight to Europe if you use bicycles to ride there, perfect! You can contribute by emitting zero greenhouse gasses in your journey.

This may be a chance to combine education with eco-camping. Students and first-time eco campers can learn a lot about sustainable living and environmental responsibility of human beings, and how teamwork can give them the best camping experience!

9 eco-friendly camping tips

If you are trying to go on your first green camping, it will not seem easy to get away from your usual lifestyle for a while. But trust me. It is worth it. So let’s start with some tips and hacks that will help you enjoy an amazing experience.

  1. Choosing a campsite

When you are choosing a campsite, avoid crowded parks. Camping is now the mainstream. Most people know how to camp, and as a result, some destinations get overcrowded in an unbearable manner. Consider going in the off-season if you have a destination you are dying to go to.

  1. Travelling green

When you reach your campsite, it is better if you can ride there. However, this will only be practical for some destinations. Using public transport, you will contribute by emitting fewer greenhouse gases than taking your private vehicle. If possible, minimise using flights to travel.

  1. Camping gear

If you are a first-time camper, you may wonder what you must pack for your camping and buy different camping gear you will never even use. If you camp more often, it is better to have your equipment. But if you travel once or twice a year, you don’t have to buy your stuff. Think of borrowing from a friend, buying used gear, or repairing what you already have. On the other hand, some pro campers also may tend to buy new stuff to upgrade. Just utilize what you have and only buy new items when needed. Besides, you can borrow items without repurchasing them by spending more money.

  1. Things to pack and unpack

Bringing multi-purpose items is an excellent hack without getting many single-use items. Some examples are kitchenware, lighters, storage boxes, and reusable water bottles.

Staying in a motorised trailer other than a tent is so lame. You will miss enjoying a good and healthy sleep in the wilderness, plus it contributes to carbon emissions. So instead of that you can have a good tent that is waterproof and comfortable. There are many comfortable tent options in many sizes, along with sweet bedding options.

  1. Clothing and Hygiene products

Use eco-friendly clothing for more purposeful eco-camping. There are plenty of eco-friendly clothing brands you can choose from.

Many sunscreens, toothpaste, and bug sprays contain chemicals that can harm the environment. Avoid bringing such stuff to fragile environments. Instead, use all-natural, non-toxic products.

  1. Packaging

Avoid using plastic packaging. You will eventually dump the unused plastic in the campsite. That will ruin the whole point of eco-camping. Bring nonplastic items such as mason jars, beeswax wraps, and biodegradable products.

  1. Meal prep

Preparing your meals beforehand is a good hack that saves you from cooking hassle at the campsite. You can bring precooked meals or frozen food in reusable containers. Instead of worrying about cooking in the camp you can spend quality time with your camping buddies!

  1. Enjoying to the fullest ethically

Always try to build responsible campfires. If there are regulations about the campfire, respect them and act accordingly. Only use the fire pit provided. Don’t try to attract wildlife by giving food or any other way. It is harmful and a disturbance to their natural habitat.

Another important thing is staying on trails. Don’t try to change your trail just because you want to. It disturbs natural habitats. When trails become wider and new tracks are created, it may reduce forest cover.

  1. After camping ethics

This is another crucial thing to follow. Keep all non degradable waste within the campsite. Clean the site thoroughly before leaving. Dispose degradable waste in an ethical manner. This will make your eco camping trip a perfect and happy ending.

Pros and Cons of Eco Camp

Pros – Eco camping will bring you so many benefits you never had in life. Hey! It will be your first step towards maintaining a healthy life with organic food and activities that can soothe your body. You can save a ton of money with this method. You don’t have to pay any late hotel fees, travel nightly costs, and zero restaurant bills. You can have a great time without spending the bank account just by enjoying the great outdoors.

If you visit a zoo you will notice that animals are frustrated and depressed without freedom in the forest. But if you choose eco camping, you can enjoy wildlife without harming them.

Also, you will get some free time away from your electronic devices, especially phones, which always stress you out. This will give you a chance to rethink your life calmly and peacefully. You will have a balance in physical and mental well-being. Most importantly you can have lifelong memories with your camping buddies and nature.

Drawbacks – Eco-camping is the best way to enjoy nature while preserving it. However, it has a few drawbacks too. Engaging in eco-camping may threaten and make indigenous people and wildlife uncomfortable. Your first eco camping will be less cheerful since you must adapt to a different lifestyle. It may be uncomfortable and frustrating to deal with unfamiliar camping gear.

Correctly dispose of human waste

Unless you follow an all-natural diet, the human body contains chemicals that harm the environment. So it is essential to know how to dispose of human waste properly. If there is a pot-a-potty, pit toilet, or outhouse available, please use it. If not, the proper disposal depends on the place you camp.

When you camp in forests, you can bury your waste. If you camp in a mountainous or Arctic region, you can pack it with you. Do not bury your toilet paper. Another option is to bring a toilet kit with you. There are so many sustainable toilet kits you can use. Know how to use them properly.


In eco camping, you must consider the minute impact on the environment that can happen in your actions. Teach sustainable living to your students and promote green living as a lifestyle. This will make every day an eco-friendly living experience. Remember, eco camping is not about luxury but it is an outdoor activity with nature and preserving it for the future. So, pack your bags, set out on an eco-friendly camping trip, and leave the environment as you found it.

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