Scary Things to Avoid When Camping in the Woods: A Warning

What To Avoid When Camping in the Woods?

Camping in the wilderness is a wonderful experience, letting you enjoy the great outdoors in a completely natural and relaxed setting. But, like with any outdoor activity, there are certain things that, if not done properly, can lead to a less-than-ideal time. Knowing what to avoid when camping in the woods can not only save you time and trouble but will also keep you safe and prevent any accidents. Here’s what I have learned as a father of three kids and an experienced camper.

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1. Don’t Set Up Camp Too Close To Wild Animals

It is very important that you set up camp out of sight of wild animals. This will prevent stressing the animals and avoid possible conflicts with them. Set up camp away from dense bush and trees, because animals may be used to hiding in them. It is also advised to avoid setting up camp near food sources, like a watering hole or a river, as animals are more likely to frequent those areas. Avoid camping along trails that are frequented by wild animals, because they may become agitated. Moreover, do not leave food around your campsite, as this will attract wild animals which may become aggressive if they feel threatened.

2. Stay Away From Poisonous Plants & Animals

It is essential that you be aware of the local plant and insect life when camping in the woods. Some plants like poison ivy and poison oak can cause rashes and irritation if touched. Similarly, some species of bees and spiders can be dangerous, even deadly in some cases. Therefore, it is advised to stay away from unknown plants and animals, as it may be best to remain safe than sorry.

3. Keep A Good Distance From Fire

Fires can be a great source of warmth, light and companionship but they can also make for dangerous camping experiences. Make sure to keep the fire at least 10 feet away from any combustible material such as wood, plastic or paper. Doing so would help guarantee a safer camping experience. Keep the fire low for better control and make sure that you have a bucket of water or sand nearby to put it out in an emergency.

4. Don’t Leave Valuable Items Unattended

Camping in the woods means that not all areas are supervised and monitored. Therefore, it is essential to keep a watch on the valuable items. Make sure to never leave your camera, mobile phone, wallet or any other valuable items unattended as they can easily get stolen. Similarly, it is best to keep all large items, such as backpacks, tents and sleeping bags in a safe place, especially during night time.

5. Avoid Being Too Adventurous

Camping in the woods can be a fun and fascinating experience, but be careful not to be too adventurous. Exploring new trails, climbing steep hills and wading in deep water can be dangerous and should only be attempted if one is familiar with the area. When exploring unknown trails never forget to take all necessary safety equipment with you, such as a compass, a whistle, a first aid kit and extra food and water.

Tell me something you would avoid when camping in the woods 1978

6. Prepare for Bad Weather & Unpredictable Conditions

Unpredictable conditions such as thunderstorms, strong winds, and hailstorms can be common when camping in the woods. Make sure to prepare for these conditions by bringing a tent, a raincoat, and other essential items. It’s also important to choose a spot that is on higher ground and sheltered from strong winds to make your camping experience safer and more enjoyable.

7. Respect The Natural Environment

As with any outdoor activity, it is essential to respect and protect the natural environment when camping in the woods. This means using eco-friendly materials, not leaving any waste behind and being conscious of the wildlife that may be present. Furthermore, it is important to leave the place as it was found, to ensure that others can also enjoy the area.

Tell me something you would avoid when camping in the woods 1979


Camping in the woods can be a thrilling and rewarding experience when done properly. But, at the same time, it can also be dangerous and even life-threatening if the necessary precautions are not taken. Therefore, it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure a safe camping experience, such as setting up camp away from wild animals, staying away from poisonous plants and animals, keeping a good distance from fire and respecting the natural environment.

I hope that this article has been helpful in understanding what to avoid when camping in the woods and will help you have a safe and pleasant experience. For an additional view on the topic, check out the below video and leave your thoughts in the comments section.

Tell me something you would avoid when camping in the woods 1980