Unexpectedly Easy: How to Get Power Camping Now!

How to Get Power Camping: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you an avid camper like me who loves spending time in the great outdoors? If so, you probably understand the importance of having access to power while camping. Whether it’s charging your devices, running appliances, or lighting up your campsite, having a reliable power source can greatly enhance your camping experience. In this blog post, I will share some valuable tips and tricks on how to get power while camping, based on my personal experience and expertise as a father of three kids and an experienced camper.

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1. Choose the Right Camping Spot

The first step in getting power while camping is choosing the right camping spot. Look for camping grounds that offer electrical hookups or facilities with power sources. Many campgrounds nowadays provide powered sites where you can easily plug in your camping gear. These sites are equipped with electrical outlets and may even offer higher voltage options for larger appliances.

Camping spot with electrical hookup

2. Invest in a Portable Camping Generator

If you prefer more remote or off-grid camping locations without access to electrical hookups, investing in a portable camping generator is a wise choice. A portable generator can provide you with the power you need to charge your devices, run appliances, and even power up lights during nighttime. Look for generators that are specifically designed for camping, as they tend to be more compact, lightweight, and quiet.

Portable camping generator

3. Utilize Solar Power

Solar power is an excellent eco-friendly option for getting power while camping. Investing in a portable solar panel system allows you to harness the power of the sun and convert it into electricity. These systems are lightweight, easy to set up, and can be used to charge your devices, run lights, or even power small appliances. Consider getting a solar panel kit that includes a power bank for storing excess energy for later use.

Portable solar panel system

4. Use Battery-Powered Devices

Opting for battery-powered devices is another effective way to get power while camping. Replace traditional appliances and gadgets that require an electrical outlet with battery-powered alternatives. This includes flashlights, lanterns, fans, and even portable stoves. Make sure to bring extra sets of batteries or invest in rechargeable batteries and a solar-powered battery charger to ensure you always have power available.

5. Prepare a Power Bank

No camping trip is complete without a power bank. A power bank is a portable device that allows you to store electrical energy and charge your devices on-the-go. Choose a power bank with a high capacity to ensure you have enough power to keep your devices running throughout your camping adventure. For longer camping trips, consider bringing a solar-powered charger for your power bank to recharge it during the day.

6. Minimize Power Consumption

To make your available power last longer, it’s essential to minimize your power consumption. Here are some tips to help you conserve power while camping:

  • Turn off lights when not in use
  • Opt for energy-efficient LED lights
  • Use low-power devices whenever possible
  • Charge devices only when necessary
  • Unplug appliances when not in use
  • Avoid using high-power appliances simultaneously

7. Be Prepared for Emergencies

Lastly, it’s crucial to be prepared for emergencies when camping. Pack a first aid kit, a portable power source for emergency communication devices, and extra batteries. It’s also wise to have a backup plan in case your primary power source fails. Consider bringing a backup generator or a backup power bank to ensure you’re not left without power in critical situations.


Having access to power while camping can greatly enhance your camping experience and provide you with the convenience and comfort of home. Whether you choose a camping spot with electrical hookups, invest in a portable generator or solar panel system, or rely on battery-powered devices, it’s important to plan ahead and be prepared.

Remember to conserve power whenever possible and always prioritize safety. By following these tips and tricks, you can ensure that you have a reliable power source to meet your camping needs and create lasting memories with your loved ones.