Unexpectedly Fun: 8 Things to Do When Camping With Family

Have Fun Camping with Your Family!

Camping with your family can be a fun and rewarding experience. It helps to foster togetherness, create fond memories, and teaches children the joy of enjoying and respecting nature. With the right planning, your camping trip can be a success. From finding the best spot to bringing the right supplies, here are some tips and recommendations on how to have a safe, fun, and memorable camping trip with your family.

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Choose the Right Spot for Camping with Your Family

When deciding on a campsite to stay at, it’s important to research different areas to ensure they are safe, kid-friendly, and have necessary amenities. It’s also important to look for campsites which offer activities to keep your kids entertained.

If you’re not sure where to start, check out Camp Kulin, a popular Australian camping destination. Not only do they offer the traditional camping experience, they also provide a variety of activities such as horse riding, fishing, bird watching, bicycle touring, and an obstacle course.

What to Bring When Camping with Family

Before you head out on your camping adventure, make sure you have the following items packed in your car or van:

  • Tent and sleeping bags
  • Insect repellent, sunscreen and other personal care items
  • Food and water
  • Plates, cups and cutlery
  • Cooking and eating utensils
  • Stove and fuel
  • Cleaning supplies
  • First aid kit
  • Emergency supplies
  • Toys, games and books for entertainment
  • Clothes for all weather

Having the right supplies will help to make your trip an enjoyable one, so spending some time researching the right camping gear prior to hitting the road is essential.

Stay Safe While Camping with Family

When camping outdoors it’s important to take steps to stay safe and follow campground regulations. Make sure you are familiar with campground rules prior to arriving, such as time limits on noise after dark, and food storage away from wildlife such as, bears, raccoons, foxes, and other animals.

It’s also important to point out potential hazards before you leave home. Explain to your children the importance of keeping an eye on their surroundings. Teach them the location of the nearest road or trail and the campground’s designated bathroom facilities. Make sure everyone in the family has a cell phone fully charged, and that they know how to use it in case of an emergency.

Lastly, make sure your family is aware of the type of wildlife in the area and how to appropriately interact with them. Never feed wild animals or approach them. Keeping these safety tips in mind can help everyone stay safe while having fun on your family’s camping adventure.

More Fun Things to Do When Camping with Family

Now that you’ve chosen the perfect spot and packed all the essentials, it’s time to begin the fun part of the adventure. You and your family can explore the outdoors together with activities such as:

  • Hiking
  • Fishing
  • Bird watching
  • Rafting
  • Geocaching
  • Campfire activities

It’s also important to build periodic downtime in your camping schedule. This is the perfect opportunity to read books, tell stories by the campfire, or play games such as bingo or charades to build family bonding.

Don’t Forget the Campfire S’mores!

One of the most popular activities when camping with kids is making s’mores. Some sticky marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers are all you need to make this classic camping treat. Not only is it a great snack, but it doubles as a fun activity that your family will cherish forever.

As a parent and an experienced camper, I am always looking for fun activities to do when camping with my family. Finding just the right combination of safety, outdoor activities, and making memories are the keys to making your camping experience a success. So don’t forget to include the s’mores!