Back to Basics: Why Old School Camping is Making a Comeback for School Camping Trips

Have you noticed that old-school camping is making a comeback for school camping trips? It’s true! Gone are the days of glamping and luxury campsites – more and more schools are opting for a back-to-basics approach to camping. 

In this blog post, we’ll dive into why this trend is gaining momentum and explore the benefits of traditional camping for students. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s chat about why sometimes, the old ways are the best.

The Benefits of Old School Camping

Ah, old-school camping. There’s just something special about pitching a tent, building a fire, and sleeping under the stars, don’t you think? Well, it turns out that there are a lot of benefits to this back-to-basics approach to camping, especially when it comes to school camping trips.

First of all, old-school camping is simple. You don’t need fancy gear or expensive equipment to have a good time. All you need is a tent, a sleeping bag, and a few basic supplies. That means it’s also affordable, which is great news for schools on a tight budget.

But it’s not just about the cost. Old-school camping is also environmentally friendly. You’re not using electricity or leaving a big carbon footprint, and you’re able to appreciate the natural beauty around you.

And let’s not forget one of the biggest benefits of all: the chance to disconnect from technology. In a world where we’re constantly glued to our phones and laptops, old-school camping gives us a chance to unplug and enjoy the simpler things in life. You can spend your days hiking, fishing, or just lounging around the campfire, and your nights stargazing and telling ghost stories. Trust me, it’s a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

So if you’re looking for a way to make your next school camping trip extra special, consider going old school. It’s simple, affordable, and good for the environment. Plus, it’s a chance to disconnect and enjoy the great outdoors with your classmates. What could be better than that?

The Role of Old School Camping in Outdoor Education 

When it comes to outdoor education, old-school camping has a crucial role to play. Camping trips offer students a chance to connect with nature, learn new skills, and develop important character traits like resilience, teamwork, and problem-solving. Plus, it’s just plain fun!

One of the biggest benefits of old-school camping in outdoor education is the opportunity for experiential learning. Instead of just reading about nature in a textbook, students get to see it, touch it, and experience it firsthand. This can make a huge impact on their understanding and appreciation of the natural world.

There are plenty of examples of old-school camping being used in school camping trips and outdoor education programs. Some schools opt for backpacking trips where students carry everything they need on their backs and set up camp each night. Others might focus on primitive camping techniques like building their shelter or cooking over an open fire. Whatever the approach, the goal is the same – to give students a chance to step outside their comfort zones, challenge themselves, and grow as individuals.

In addition to the personal development benefits, old-school camping also has a positive impact on the environment. By teaching students to camp with minimal impact and leave no trace, we’re setting them up to be responsible stewards of the land for years to come.

Overall, old-school camping plays an important role in outdoor education and can have a profound impact on children’s development. So if you’re planning a school camping trip or looking to get involved in outdoor education, consider the benefits of an old-school approach.

Essential Skills for Old-School Camping

So you’re sold on the idea of old-school camping – now what? Well, before you head out into the great outdoors, there are a few essential skills you’ll want to brush up on. These skills are the foundation of old-school camping and will serve you well on any camping trip.

First up, fire-building. This is a crucial skill for staying warm, cooking food, and warding off any nighttime critters. Start by collecting dry kindling and fuel, and practice building a fire using a firestarter or matches. Make sure you have a basic understanding of fire safety and always follow the rules of the campground or park where you’re camping.

Another important skill is shelter-making. Even if you have a tent, it’s good to know how to build a shelter in case of an emergency. Look for natural materials like fallen branches, leaves, and pine needles, and practice building a lean-to or debris hut. This is a great activity to do with kids and can be a fun way to get them involved in the camping process.

Navigation is another essential skill for old-school camping. You don’t want to get lost in the woods! Make sure you have a map and compass and practice using them to navigate through different terrains. This is a great opportunity to teach kids about map reading and orienteering.

When it comes to teaching these skills to children, make it fun and hands-on. Plan activities like a fire-building contest or a shelter-building challenge. Incorporate these skills into your school camping trips by setting up a campfire and cooking over an open flame, or by having students build their shelter for the night.

Overall, mastering these essential skills is key to a successful old-school camping trip. So grab your gear, get outside, and start practising!

Old School Camping Gear and Equipment

When it comes to old-school camping, you don’t need all the latest and greatest gear. Simplicity is part of the charm! That being said, there are a few essential pieces of equipment that you’ll want to invest in.

First up, you’ll need a tent. Look for a sturdy, reliable tent that can withstand the elements. A simple A-frame or dome tent will do the trick, and you can find good-quality options at most outdoor stores. Make sure to set it up and practice pitching it before your trip to ensure you’re familiar with the process.

Next, you’ll need a sleeping bag. Look for one that’s rated for the temperature range you’ll be camping in, and consider investing in a sleeping pad for added comfort. A good sleeping bag can last for years if you take care of it properly.

For cooking, you’ll need a portable stove or grill, along with basic cooking supplies like pots, pans, and utensils. Opt for lightweight options that are easy to pack and transport. And don’t forget to bring along a cooler or food storage container to keep your perishables fresh.

When it comes to finding high-quality, affordable gear, there are a few tips to keep in mind. Look for end-of-season sales and clearance items at outdoor stores, and consider renting gear if you don’t plan on using it frequently. You can also find good deals on used gear through online marketplaces or at gear swap events.

Finally, once you have your gear, make sure to take care of it properly. Store it in a dry, cool place when not in use, and clean and dry it thoroughly after each trip. With proper maintenance, your old-school camping gear can last for years and provide countless camping adventures.

So there you have it – the essentials of old-school camping gear and equipment. Keep it simple, invest in quality, and get ready for a memorable outdoor experience.

Planning an Old School Camping Trip

Planning an old-school camping trip requires some thoughtful preparation to ensure a safe, enjoyable, and educational experience for all involved.

First, choose a location that’s suitable for your group’s skill level and interests. Look for a campground or park with hiking trails, a lake or river for swimming and fishing, and plenty of natural beauty to explore. Keep in mind the time of year and any potential weather conditions that could impact your trip.

Next, plan out your meals. Old-school camping is all about simplicity, so stick to basic foods that can be cooked over a campfire or on a portable stove. Bring along plenty of snacks and consider meal planning to make things easier. Don’t forget to pack plenty of water and other beverages to stay hydrated.

When it comes to preparing for inclement weather, be sure to pack appropriate gear like rain jackets, tarps, and extra blankets. Make sure your group knows the proper safety procedures in case of severe weather or other emergencies.

To make your old school camping trip educational, consider incorporating activities like nature walks, scavenger hunts, and star-gazing. Take advantage of the opportunity to disconnect from technology and engage with the natural world around you.

Finally, ensure the safety of all participants by reviewing basic camping and wilderness safety guidelines. Make sure everyone knows the rules of the campground or park, and consider partnering with a local outdoor education program or guide for added support.

Overall, planning an old school camping trip takes some effort, but the rewards are well worth it. So gather your group, pack your gear, and get ready for a memorable adventure in the great outdoors.


In conclusion, old school camping is making a comeback for school camping trips and outdoor education programs for a variety of reasons. From its simplicity and affordability to its focus on disconnecting from technology and embracing nature, old school camping offers a unique and valuable experience for children and adults alike.

We’ve explored the benefits of old school camping, including its environmental friendliness and the essential skills it helps develop, such as fire-building and navigation. We’ve also discussed the gear and equipment needed for a successful trip, as well as the planning process and tips for making the experience safe, enjoyable, and educational.

It’s clear that old school camping has a lot to offer, and its growing popularity among modern campers is a testament to its enduring appeal. So the next time you’re planning a school camping trip or looking for a new outdoor adventure, consider embracing the simplicity and beauty of old school camping. You won’t regret it!

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