Amazing Tips: What to Take for Festival Camping

What to Take for Festival Camping?

Festival camping is a memorable experience that has become increasingly popular across the world. It offers a fun, unique chance to explore different cultures, sights, and music. With the right supplies and the necessary preparation, you can make the most of a fantastic festival camping trip without breaking the bank. This blog post offers a wealth of advice for what to take for festival camping, drawn from the author’s personal experience of camping with three young children.

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Essential Supplies for Festival Camping

No matter which festival you’re attending, there are several essential items you’ll need to pack. Whether you’re camping alone or with a group, here are some of the most important things to have with you.


A tent is the foundation of your festival camping set-up. It should be reliable, spacious, and easy enough to set up or take down quickly. An important thing to consider when buying a tent is the climate you’ll be camping in. If you’re expecting wet or cold seasons, buy a waterproof and insulated model.


Sleeping Bag:

Your sleeping bag should be comfortable, warm, and waterproof. Consider a three-season model if you’re camping in a cooler climate. It should also be slightly bigger than your body size for added comfort.

Sleeping Bag

Mat and Pillow:

A mat and pillow are also essential for your camping trip. The mat should be thick enough to offer insulation from the cold ground, and your pillow should be filled with a synthetic material that is warm and comfortable.

Mat and Pillow


A camping stove is essential for any extended camping trips. For shorter trips, it’s often not necessary, but it’s still helpful to have. Make sure that you bring along a pot for boiling water, as well as some pans and utensils for preparing meals.

Clothes and Footwear:

Bring plenty of warm, comfortable clothes to keep you cosy in the cooler evenings. A hat and scarf are essential for protecting you from the cold, as well as a pair of sturdy shoes or boots to protect your feet. When packing clothes, it’s best to opt for items that can be layered for easier storage and transportation.

First Aid Supplies:

No one wants to think about accidents happening while camping, but it’s always a good idea to be prepared. Bring some basic first aid supplies like band-aids, antiseptic, and painkillers, as well as a solar-powered torch for night time emergencies.


When you’re camping or at a festival, having something to do is important. Bring along some board games, cards, or music to keep everyone entertained. If you’re lucky, you may even find some music festivals that host artists you already like.

How to Find the Best Gear for Festival Camping?

Shopping for the right gear for festival camping can be a time-consuming process. It’s important to find a good balance between value and quality. When looking for tents, sleeping bags, and other items, focus on brands that cater to campers and adventurers. To make your shopping easier, watch the below youtube video for a few great tips on finding quality camping gear.

Camping festivals are a great way to make wonderful memories and explore different cultures and places. With the right supplies and a little thought and preparation, you can make the most of your camping experience and create a rich and memorable journey.

This blog post provides essential advice and all the information you need on what to take for festival camping. Whether you’re a novice camper or a seasoned pro, following this advice will have you ready to rock the festival field in no time!