Amazing: What Do I Need For Camping in the UK?

Heading: A Guide To Camping In the UK – What You Need To Know

Once the days start to get longer and the temperature starts to rise, many of us Brits start to consider a camping holiday in the great outdoors of the United Kingdom. With rolling hills and glistening coastlines, there’s no better way to explore our gorgeous green and pleasant land than with a few days spent camping amongst nature.

But if you’re a first time camper – or even an experienced one – it can be a daunting prospect when faced with the sheer number of items you’re going to need to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay. From preparing your tent and sleeping arrangements uphill to organising your food and toiletries, we’ve got you covered when it comes to camping essentials for your UK based holiday.

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First and foremost, you’ll need a tent. A good quality, waterproof and windproof model is essential to make sure you’re well protected from the elements. In terms of size, your tent should be big enough to fit the people accompanying you and whatever camping gear you may have with you. However, it’s not just the tent you need to think about – you’ll also need to invest in a good groundsheet and sleeved, waterproof tent peg to ensure complete protection.

Camping Gear

The weather can be unpredictable and conditions can get really cold, so it’s important to pack accordingly. Investing in a comfortable sleeping bag is utmost priority – something warm and with a high ‘tog’ rating like Heavy Duty Extra Warm Camping Bags should suit most conditions.

In addition, you’ll need to invest in a sleeping mat or airbed which will provide extra comfort and insulation as you sleep. You’ll be grateful for those little added luxuries when the temperatures drop.

Equally as important as your camping equipment is getting your food and drink right. It’s a good idea to invest in two cool boxes so you can separate your food and drinks, as well as a gas stove and camping cookware if you plan on cooking on your trip.

Camping Gear

Always make sure you bring plenty of snacks and nonperishable food items such as packets of nuts and trail mix, which, yes, may be heavy, but they’ll be worth it in the long run. Heck, you could even bring your own reusable mug and plastic cutlery to save creating unnecessary waste while you’re away.

Finally, you’ll need to be sure to bring cleaning and hygiene products such as toilet roll, antibacterial wipes and hand sanitiser, as well as a well equipped medical kit, just in case. You’ll also need a camping rubbish bag to keep your camping holiday area clean.

Camping Gear

Now, I don’t know about you, but I often find myself fearing the worst – my tent may blow away in the wind, I may forget an essential item or worse, get terribly lost. But fear not, because there are plenty of handy ways to prepare and equip yourself when venturing out.

To ensure you’re properly prepared for your camping trip in the UK, check out some of the tips in the video below.

When it comes to camping in the UK, it’s best to be prepared, so take the time to equip yourself with all the necessary items you need for a hassle-free, comfortable stay – you’ll be glad you did.

Now that you’re all set and ready you can start planning for your next UK camping trip – so what are you waiting for?

Now you’re sure to have an enjoyable, safe and successful UK camping experience. Have fun and enjoy the great outdoors.