Amazingly Simple: How Did Camping Start?

Tracing the Origins of Camping

Camping is one of the great summer activities; it brings people together to sleep under the stars, explore nature, and maybe catch a few fish. It’s one of those activities that’s been around since the start of humanity, and yet, the exact origins of camping are still somewhat of a mystery.

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At its core, camping is an activity of disconnection; a break from your everyday routine, where you leave behind the modern comforts and go back to basics. In fact, the word camping is derived from the French verb “se camper”, meaning “to station oneself”, which implies to establishes oneself in a certain place for a period of time.

The concept of camping likely evolved from traditional nomadic activities, as the early humans moved from place to place, set up camp in the area, and then moved on when the resources ran out. Archaeological records suggest that some of the earliest known campsites have been dated to tens of thousands of years ago. The earliest evidence of such campsites include flint tools, stones for grinding or cutting, and even bones suggesting that these nomadic tribes cooked in these temporary settlements.

The History of Modern Camping

But, how did camping come to be the popular vacation activity that it is today? In the 19th century, England saw the beginning of modern camping as a recreational activity. The trend was marked not so much by the pursuit of an outdoor lifestyle, but more by a desire to explore, to take a break from the city, and to enjoy the pleasure of nature.

The start of modern camping was largely due to a man named William Henry Harrison, popularly known as ASH. He was a writer and traveler who’s passion for exploring the outdoors was such that he published two books that emphasized the joy of leaving the comforts of home behind and taking part in outdoor adventures.

The first one, called ‘The Tent Dwellers’, was published in 1908 and focused on the joys and challenges that campers faced when living and sleeping in the great outdoors. This led to the formation of ‘The Campers Club’, whose members included Ernest Hemingway, George Bernard Shaw, and even the Royal Family.

Camping Through the Ages

The Campers Club paved the way for modern camping to become widespread in the United Kingdom and across Europe, and in the decades since, a variety of different styles and forms of camping have been developed – from beach camping, to luxury camping, glamping, and even car and family camping.

Camping has now become a major pastime for millions of people around the world, and this trend has seen a steady increase over the past few decades, with improved campsite facilities, better safety standards, and greater availability of modern camping equipment.

Today, camping is a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of modern life, explore the great outdoors and create long-lasting memories with friends and family. There is so much to be enjoyed while camping, from the unique beauty of nature, to the peace and cheer of the campfire and astronomy nights. The activity also promotes healthier lifestyle habits, provides plenty of exercise, and helps to connect families and encourage an appreciation for nature.

No matter what kind of trip you’re planning, camping is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors and bond with nature. With the right equipment, knowledge, and safety measures, camping can be a truly magical experience.


Camping has come a long way since the days of its nomadic beginnings. It has evolved from an activity of necessity into one of pleasure and leisure, and is now enjoyed by millions of people around the world. With the right Equipment and techniques, camping can be the perfect way to escape the hustle of modern life and enjoy the unique beauty of nature.

Camping is a great way to bond with your family and friends, and to create precious memories that will last a lifetime. So, no matter where, when, or why, pack your bags, get out there and start exploring!