Astonishingly Cheap: How to Get Firewood for Camping

Gathering Firewood for Camping– Tips on How to Collect Cheap Firewood

When thinking of camping in the great outdoors, one of the most important items to bring is firewood. Firewood gives warmth during cold nights and can also be used to cook food. However, many campsites can be expensive when it comes to buying wood for campfires, and that’s where the idea of collecting it yourself comes in handy.

Collecting firewood can be a laborious task but with the right knowledge and equipment, you can save a lot of money and still have a roaring campfire every night. In this blog post, we’ll be providing you with tips on gathering firewood for camping, so you can enjoy the outdoors with minimal expense.

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How to Find Free or Cheap Firewood

One of the best ways to save money on campfire wood is by collecting it yourself. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Do Your Research: Before you leave for a camping trip, research the areas in which you plan to camp. Use online resources or specific guide books to learn where you are allowed to collect firewood and what types of wood are permitted. You should also become familiar with the state’s firewood laws and regulations as they vary depending on the location. It’s important to be aware of these restrictions in order to avoid costly fines.
  • Visit Local Markets: Check your local markets for firewood. Alongside farmer’s markets, many other businesses sell firewood such as home improvement stores. The type of wood available in these places can be of varying quality, so be sure to inspect each bundle of wood before making your purchase. You can usually find nice seasoned firewood for a bargain if you look in the right places.
  • Gather Dead Wood: Gather the dead wood that you come across when you are out camping. Fallen branches and twigs can be collected and used for kindling and campfires. Just be sure that the wood is dead as collecting anything living is illegal in most states.

Gathering firewood is no easy task, so you may want to consider bringing some on your journey. Invest in quality firewood, such as kiln-dried logs, as they will burn much better than green wood. The downside is that they can be costly, so you should weigh the cost of these logs against the savings of gathering your own wood.

View A Video Demonstration of Gathering Firewood for Camping

The following video shows a demonstration of how to gather firewood for camping, while following the safety guidelines.

In the video, you can see the importance of assessing each piece of wood, and using the tools necessary for the job. You’ll also find that collecting firewood does not have to be a strenuous endeavor. A few key pieces of equipment are needed for collecting free firewood for camping, such as protective gloves, loppers, and a hand saw or ax.

Final Notes on How to Get Cheap Firewood for Camping

Selecting and gathering firewood for camping can be simple as long as you remember to practice safety first. Research the specific area in which you’ll be camping and become familiar with the firewood laws of that region. Find out where you can legally source wood such as local markets or dead/ fallen branches around your campsite. Don’t forget to bring tools such as protective gloves, loppers, and a hand saw or ax if you are collecting your own firewood.

As a father of three kids I have been able to save quite a bit of money on my camping trips by gathering firewood from the surrounding areas, so I hope these insights can help you save some of your hard-earned cash as well.

Remember never to take more wood than you’ll need during your camping trip, as it is important to preserve the environment. If you stay mindful of the resources, you and your family can enjoy a cozy fire but remain conscious of the world around you.

Have you tried gathering firewood for campfires? Whether you’ve done it yourself or know of any tips to competently collect firewood for camping, let us know in the comments below!