Astonishingly Delicious Cooking When Camping – A Guide!

Cooking When Camping – What You Need to Know

Cooking when camping can be a fun and challenging experience for outdoor enthusiasts. As a father of three kids and an experienced camper, I understand the various challenges that come with cooking in the outdoors. To help make camping cooking more enjoyable and successful, it’s important to be well equipped and prepared. With the right tools and knowledge, camping cooking can be a breeze. In this post, we will explore what you need to consider before packing up your camping kitchen.

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Essential Tools for Camp Cooking

Camp cooking requires you to bring the right tools for the job. That way, you’ll be able to prepare the meals you want without feeling like you have to do so with one hand tied behind your back. Here is a basic list of some essential items you should bring on your camping trip to ensure that you have a successful camping cook-feast!

  • Pots & Pans – Your pots and pans will be the cornerstone of your camping kitchen. Look for sets specifically made for camping, as they will typically be much tougher and durable than their regular kitchen counterparts. Additionally, they will often come with lids and other accessories which can make food preparation easier.
  • Grill & Griddle – A portable grill and/or griddle will allow you to cook burgers, steaks, and other grilled items at your camp site. This will save you from having to rely on campfire cooking alone, and will give you some more flexibility when it comes to mealtime.
  • Camp Stove – A lightweight, portable camp stove is a great way to cook when you don’t have access to a campfire or other cooking source. Choose one that is lightweight and easy to set up, as you will likely be carrying it in and out of the campground.

Essential tools for camp cooking

Camp Food Ideas

When camping, you can prep, cook, and serve a variety of meals using familiar ingredients. Here are some delicious and easy camp food ideas to help inspire your camping meals:

  • Foil Packet Dinners – These are extremely popular for campers. Simply combine your favorite vegetables and some cubes of meat (or seitan for a vegetarian option) along with a few seasonings and wrap them in a sheet of aluminum foil. Place in the heat of an open campfire or your grill to cook until they are tender and juicy.
  • Easy Campfire Pizza – You don’t have to go without your favorite pizza while camping. You can make an easy campfire pizza on a cast iron skillet or aluminum foil. Preheat your skillet over a campfire and spread a thin layer of pizza sauce and your favorite toppings. Cover and cook until cheese is melted and bubbly.
  • Campfire Quesadillas – Another delicious option that’s also simple to make. Start by preparing a quesadilla on a hot skillet, turning once before flipping onto a plate. Then wrap the quesadilla in aluminum foil and place it on some of the hot coals of your campfire. Cook for about five minutes and serve.

Campfire Pizza

Tips For Camping Cooking Success

Cooking while camping can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it does require some extra care and preparation. Here are some essential tips to help you plan and prepare for your next camping adventure:

  • Bring plenty of non-perishable food items – it’s important to have some shelf-stable food on hand in case something happens and you can’t get to the store. Stock up on granola bars, pre-made meals, and other items that won’t require refrigeration.
  • Always use safety when preparing food – In camp settings, it’s often easy to take shortcuts when it comes to food safety. However, it’s important to follow proper safety protocols like washing your hands and properly washing and storing food, to prevent food-borne illnesses.
  • Plan your meals in advance – There’s nothing worse than being out in the woods, only to find out that you’re missing an essential ingredient or tool. Before leaving, plan out what meals you’ll be making and make sure you have all the necessary ingredients and tools.

Campfire Quesadilla

Cooking Videos and Tutorials

If you’re looking for some extra guidance when it comes to camping cooking, take advantage of online tutorials and videos. Working alongside a tutorial will help you get comfortable with cooking outside, as you won’t need to guess what you’re doing or worrying about how things will turn out. Here a great video we found on YouTube to get you started:

Camping cooking doesn’t have to be complicated. With the right tools, a basic knowledge of what’s involved, and a little creativity, you can enjoy a delicious meal around the campfire in no time. Give the tips above a try on your next camping trip and see the results for yourself.