Astonishingly Easy Ways to Stop Bedding Getting Damp When Camping

How to Stop Bedding from Getting Damp When Camping

When you’re planning to head off for a camping trip there are a few basics that you’ll need to pack, like tents, sleeping bags, and bedding. But what happens when you set up your tent only to find that your bedding has gotten soaking wet? Damp bedding is uncomfortable, can cause health problems from mold and mildew, and just generally doesn’t make for a pleasant night’s sleep. It’s easy to overlook this common problem during your pre-trip planning, but don’t worry – there are a few ways to prevent damp bedding when you’re camping.

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Choose the Right Tent and Spot

Choosing the right tent and camping spot can be key to preventing damp bedding. Your tent fabric should be waterproof, and make sure you don’t buy one that’s packed up too small – you want plenty of space for air to circulate, so your bedding can breathe. Next, pick a spot for your tent that’s sheltered from the elements. Look for a flat, elevated sleeping area and make sure there are no nearby sources of water.

Don’t Put Your Bed Directly on the Ground

person putting up tent While setting up your tent, resist the urge to put the bed directly on the ground. No matter how hard the ground looks, it’ll still hold some moisture, so use a tarp to put your mattress on top of. This will help to keep the bottom of the mattress dry. If you find that moisture is still seeping through, you may want to take a look at your camping mattress choices and switch to one that’s waterproof.

Protect Your Sleeping Bag

sleeping bag rolled upTry to keep your sleeping bag away from the walls of the tent while you’re sleeping. This will help to prevent it from receiving the condensation that can occur when sleeping in a tent. It’s also helpful to store your sleeping bag in a waterproof bag during your camping trip. This can help keep out moisture, dirt, and even insects.

Set up a Rainfly

tent setup in rainy weatherDon’t forget about the rain when you’re camping – if you get caught in a rainstorm, your bedding could end up getting soaked. That’s why it’s important to set up a rainfly on top of your tent. This will ensure that all of your bedding stays dry come rain or shine. Make sure to check the poles and seams of your rainfly for any signs of leaks or rips before you set out.

Ventilate Your Tent

Proper ventilation inside your tent will help to keep your bedding dry. Open up the tent windows and entryway when you awake to let out any built-up moisture. You can also crack open the tent door to let in a little fresh morning air. This will help to remove some of the condensation that tends to accumulate overnight.

Bring a Bed Bug Mattress Protector

Bed bug mattress protectors are essential pieces of camping equipment. Not only can they help to keep your bed bug free, but they can also help protect the mattress from getting damp. Bed bug mattress protectors are usually waterproof, so are the perfect solution for keeping moisture from seeping in and ruining your bedding. You should also look for one that’s breathable, so moisture won’t become trapped underneath.

Learn How to Deal With Wet Bedding

Nobody plans to wake up to wet bedding, but it happens. If you do find yourself in a sticky situation, watch this video to learn how to properly dry and store your wet bedding. If the weather permits, hang up your bedding in a clothesline and let the sun do its work. If that’s not an option, then be sure to use the alternative drying and storage methods outlined in the video.


Having a good night’s sleep when camping is essential for a great trip, and that means avoiding damp bedding. To prevent your bedding from getting wet while camping, be sure to choose the right tent and spot, use a tarp for the mattress, set up the rainfly when necessary, ventilate your tent during the day, and bring a waterproof bed bug mattress protector.