Astonishingly Fun: What to Take to a Camping Festival

Everything You Need to Know About What to Take to a Camping Festival

Camping festivals vary depending on where you’re going and what you’re attending, but there are some basics that you should consider packing, no matter the destination. As a father of three kids and an experienced camper, I know the importance of packing the right gear for a camping trip. Here is a list of what to take to a camping festival, to make sure you’re prepared for anything—from an unexpected change in the weather to a surprise performance—so you can be sure to get the most out of your camping experience.

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Your clothing should depend on the weather expectations and the type of camping festival you’re attending. As a general rule, pack light and brightly-colored pieces that will breathe in the heat. In case it gets cooler at night, consider taking along a jacket. Prepare to layer your clothing in case the weather changes; however, bring no more than one extra piece of clothing for every type of weather you expect to encounter. Do bring a good pair of shoes as you may end up walking long distances, and a spare set of comfortable shoes just in case.

If you’re attending a music festival, bring lots of extras like bandanas, shorts, sleeveless shirts, and tutus. Don’t forget to bring a few costumes as well, just in case. Most music festival costumes are easy to make, so you can get creative and have some fun.


Before you head to the festival, be sure to invest in a quality sleeping bag and air mattress. You may also want to bring extra sleeping bags and pillows if you’ll be camping with family or friends. To ensure your sleeping area is as comfortable as possible, bring along some extra blankets or throws for a softer sleeping surface.

It’s also a good idea to bring ear plugs and an eye mask for more peaceful sleeping. You may want to buy some extra bedding for the night, just in case it gets cold.

Food & Drinks

Plan your meals ahead of time. Dehydrated foods can be a great way to take advantage of a camping festival’s offerings without having to worry about cooking. However, you may be able to find some food vendors who will offer cooked meals. Make sure to bring enough water for the duration of your stay. Depending on the camping festival, you may also come across some beer gardens with craft beer.

It’s always a great idea to take snacks with you, such as nuts, trail mix, and dried fruits. If you’d like to enjoy a hot meal, you can also bring along a mini stove, so you can cook your food. Make sure you bring some utensils, bowls, and cups as well.

Camping Gear

A good camping tent is the most important part of your camping gear. You’ll want to make sure that your tent is waterproofed and flame-protective. You may also want to invest in an extra tent if you plan to camp with a group. Bring a good lantern, too, so you can have plenty of light for late-night campfires.

Don’t forget to bring a tarp to protect your tent against the elements, as well as other small essentials like a camping knife, hammer, matches, rope, etc. If your camping festival involves fishing, bring a fishing rod and your fishing license.

Miscellaneous Items

Prior to your camping trip, create a checklist of miscellaneous items you’ll need. Make sure to bring sunscreen, insect repellent, and after-sun lotion. Bring portable chairs or cushions if you’d like to relax outside your tent. If you want to keep warm at night, you may want to bring hot water bottles.

If you plan on bringing your phone, make sure to have a portable charger or battery pack. You may also want to bring a book, a guitar, a frisbee, board games, or cards. The list goes on but the main takeaway is to pack carefully and avoid overpacking.


Camping festivals offer a great opportunity to immerse yourself in nature and have unforgettable experiences with friends and family. With the right preparation, you can make sure your trip goes smoothly and that you have everything you need for a successful camping experience. From food and bedding to clothing and miscellaneous items, this list of what to take to a camping festival will help ensure that you have a great time and make the most of your camping trip.