Astonishingly Simple: How to Bathe When Camping

The Ultimate Guide to Bathing When Camping

Are you an avid camper getting ready for your next outdoor adventure? Whether you’re a pro or a novice, one thing’s for sure: Bathing outdoors can be a challenge! Being stuck in the wilderness with no access to a shower or even a sink can be a daunting prospect. But fear not – you can still stay clean and healthy while camping. With the right supplies and these tips, you’ll be able to take care of your beauty and hygiene needs easily in the outdoors.

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Choose the Right Supplies

If you’re serious about staying clean when camping, the first thing you’ll need is the right supplies. That means investing in a few key items that will make your outdoor showers and baths much more pleasant.

  • Shower Tote. A shower tote is a must-have for camping. It’s big enough to carry all your bathing supplies and convenient enough to hang up on a branch or tree while taking a shower.
  • Solar Heated Shower. If you don’t feel like taking a cold shower, a solar heated shower is a convenient and eco-friendly way to keep your water hot. Let the sun do the heating for you while you relax and enjoy a hot shower.
  • Soap/Body Wash. Of course, what’s a shower without soap or body wash? Pack your favorite brand of natural soap or body wash so you can keep fresh and clean even when you’re miles away from civilization.
  • Towel. Keep a towel handy when camping. Don’t forget to bring a quick-dry one to make sure you don’t have to wait too long to get ready for the next adventure.

Get Creative and Pack Ahead

Being creative and packing ahead is key when it comes to bathing when camping. You can get creative with your supplies, finding simple yet effective ways to stay clean in the woods. Here are a few great ideas:

  • Pack a container of water and some cotton cloths. You can use the cloths and some water to do a quick wipe-down on yourself. This is particularly useful if you don’t have access to a shower.
  • Bring a very small pack of baby wipes. Baby wipes are great for a quick cleaning of the body, as well as your feet and face.
  • Opt for a biodegradable soap that you can use in streams, creeks, or lakes. This helps prevent the contamination of the waters and allows you to take a quick dip to cool off.
  • Try a natural dry shampoo or a starch-based powder that can absorb oil and sweat on your scalp. This will help keep your hair fresh and clean, even without a shower.

Find the Right Spot and Pro Tips

Once you’ve got the right supplies, you need to find the perfect spot for a bath or shower. Try to find a place that is relatively private and far away from other campers. If this isn’t possible, be sure to let your fellow campers know what you’re doing so there are no misunderstandings. Here are some pro-tips that will help ensure you have a safe and hygienic bath or shower experience:

  • Make sure your shower is far away from your campsite to avoid contaminating the food or water supply.
  • Use a biodegradable soap or shampoo that won’t damage the local environment and wash away from any water supply.
  • If you must use a potable (drinking) water supply to shower, bring the water with you and don’t leave any waste behind.
  • When you’re done, make sure to dispose of any waste properly and cover up any imprints you’ve made in the area.

As an experienced camper, you know it’s important to take the proper precautions when it comes to keeping your body and the environment safe. And with this guide, you’ll have the tools and knowledge to make sure you can stay clean and comfortable even when you’re roughing it outdoors.

Take a Look at this Video for More Ideas

With the right supplies, a bit of creativity, and these tips, your next camping trip will be a memorable one. Don’t forget to get the most out of your outdoor shower and take a few moments to relax and take in the natural beauty of your surroundings.

Take some time to enjoy and relax after a long day in nature with a hot shower under the stars. Even if it’s not as luxurious as you’re used to, there’s nothing quite like taking a hot shower outdoors with the beautiful scenery all around you! With the right supplies and a bit of creativity, you can make your outdoor shower and bathing experience a pleasant one.


Nobody wants to take a cold shower or spend the night looking like a sweaty mess. But with a bit of forethought and the proper supplies to bring along, you’ll be able to stay clean and refreshed even in the outdoors. Armed with this information and the tips provided, you’re equipped to make the most of your next camping trip without having to sacrifice your personal hygiene.

Take time to relax and enjoy nature’s beauty with all your new found confidence! You’ve got this!